Title Author Status Last run Execution time
The total file size under the Library Back-Up Project on Wikimedia Commons 維基小霸王 complete 1 month ago 79.88 seconds
SDudley - August 19 2024 SDudley complete 1 month ago 0.07 seconds
Most active users by edits on plwiki in last 12 months Emptywords failed 1 month ago Unknown seconds
wikidata: counts of all uk descriptions Renamerr complete 1 month ago 1165.31 seconds
Size of uploads by Yann Yann complete 1 month ago 0.66 seconds
IP-controle (vandalismebestrijding) nlwiki Inertia6084 complete 1 month ago 4.56 seconds
enwiki inactive special users Xaosflux complete 1 month ago 0.96 seconds
enwiki autoconfirmed users in the confirmed group Xaosflux complete 1 month ago 0.15 seconds
Edit Count - All Kasyap complete 1 month ago 1.16 seconds
Categorii goale pe ro.wp Strainu complete 1 month ago 55.71 seconds
Archived extensions with subpages needing cleanup Pppery complete 1 month ago 6.37 seconds
nlwiki Contaminated categories Bdijkstra complete 1 month ago 23.77 seconds
Article titles with spaced hyphen (shwiki) Aca complete 1 month ago 1.69 seconds
YA Talk:Wikiproject/Main:Category intersection Cryptic complete 1 month ago 4.50 seconds
Article titles starting with "spisak" (shwiki) Aca complete 1 month ago 0.06 seconds
Final Dicklyon complete 1 month ago 19.72 seconds
Cup Final Dicklyon complete 1 month ago 19.25 seconds
Finals Dicklyon complete 1 month ago 19.29 seconds
名前空間をまたぐリダイレクトへの記事からのリンク FlatLanguage complete 1 month ago 1.76 seconds
تعداد مساهمات الإداريين خلال الأشهر الستة الماضية في نطاق ويكيبيديا Nehaoua complete 1 month ago 13.78 seconds
نشاط الإداريين Nehaoua complete 1 month ago 0.36 seconds
Less than 3000 (20160117), -disambig ԱշոտՏՆՂ complete 1 month ago 17.27 seconds
Infobox Weather Adoption Hurricane Noah complete 1 month ago 0.09 seconds
WP:RF* redirects Cryptic complete 1 month ago 0.73 seconds
enwiki users by recent edits 1234qwer1234qwer4 complete 1 month ago 527.72 seconds
টুইংকলের নতুন সংস্করণ ব্যবহার করে সম্পাদনার পরিসংখ্যান MdsShakil complete 1 month ago 0.78 seconds
Most pending changes accepts (last 30 days) CycloneYoris complete 1 month ago 2.97 seconds
legújabb egyért lapok Porrima complete 1 month ago 1.55 seconds
Aliases تحتوي كلمة زواوي Nehaoua failed 1 month ago Unknown seconds
صفحات نقاش يتيمة Nehaoua complete 1 month ago 0.11 seconds
صفحات نقاش محولة Nehaoua complete 1 month ago 0.08 seconds
Comment ids of User talk:Yamla/talk and Wikipedia talk:… creations by MidAtlanticBaby GTrang complete 1 month ago 107.08 seconds
MidAtlanticBaby IP/LTA creations GTrang complete 1 month ago 815.81 seconds
Koreaner ohne Hinweis Wurgl complete 1 month ago 0.46 seconds
Talk pages of non-existent articles (shwiki) Aca stopped 1 month ago Unknown seconds
Geotagged articles at a language Wikipedia, with coordinates Theklan complete 1 month ago 216.89 seconds
Most pending changes accepts (all time) CycloneYoris complete 1 month ago 16.23 seconds
Article titles with "Olimpijad" (shwiki) Aca complete 1 month ago 1.54 seconds
Page links last updated before 20240510 (and not NULL) Wbm1058 complete 1 month ago 29.65 seconds
All ckbwiki page titles containing non-Kurdish letters Aram complete 1 month ago 0.50 seconds
Linked misspellings Wbm1058 complete 1 month ago 15.25 seconds
Most prolific Lexeme creators (Swedish) Vesihiisi failed 1 month ago Unknown seconds
Most active Lexeme editors (Swedish) Vesihiisi failed 1 month ago Unknown seconds
External links to compatible licenses list Mdaniels5757 complete 1 month ago 1589.82 seconds
Trinity Optima blacklist candidate Cryptic complete 1 month ago 127.60 seconds
Untagged templates used in MediaWiki namespace Pppery complete 1 month ago 0.60 seconds
All modules Pppery complete 1 month ago 13.48 seconds
False {{used in system}} Pppery complete 1 month ago 367.53 seconds
Suspicious user talk page moves Pppery complete 1 month ago 0.77 seconds
Cascade-protected templates lacking full protection Pppery complete 1 month ago 0.17 seconds