use arwiki_p;
select concat ("{{مس|",user_name,"}}") as "اسم المستخدم",
(select count(*) from revision
inner join actor on actor_id = rev_actor
inner join page on page_id = rev_page
where actor_user = user_id
AND page_namespace = 4
AND rev_minor_edit =0
AND rev_timestamp BETWEEN 20240201000000 AND 20240731235959
AND ucase (actor_name) not like ucase ("%BOT") collate utf8_general_ci
AND actor_name not like "بوت %" collate utf8_general_ci
AND actor_name not like "مرشح_الإساءة%" collate utf8_general_ci
AND actor_name NOT IN (SELECT user_name FROM user_groups INNER JOIN user ON user_id = ug_user WHERE ug_group = 'bot')
) as "تعداد المساهمات خلال الأشهر الستة الماضية"
from user
inner join user_groups
on ug_user = user_id
where ug_group = "sysop"
ORDER BY user_name ASC;
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