Title Author Status Last run Execution time
Wikinews-Artikel ohne Wikidata Wurgl complete 12 months ago 0.22 seconds
Indiana Memory upload metrics breakdown by institution Dominic complete 12 months ago 8.57 seconds
NARA uploads Dominic stopped 12 months ago Unknown seconds
Seitentitel falsch verwendet Wurgl complete 12 months ago 0.28 seconds
Tewiki:Month-wise bytes added Vjsuseela complete 12 months ago 1.48 seconds
Tewiki: Datewise bytes added Vjsuseela complete 12 months ago 1.86 seconds
Tewiki:Month-wise new user registrations Vjsuseela complete 12 months ago 0.09 seconds
nlwiki Unused categories without nomination Bdijkstra complete 12 months ago 0.26 seconds
Vandalismebestrijding nlwiki Inertia6084 complete 12 months ago 3.59 seconds
Category path of article Rchard2scout complete 12 months ago 2.61 seconds
tewiki: Month/Year_wise New articles creation Vjsuseela complete 12 months ago 4.70 seconds
random template @ enwiki Estopedist1 complete 12 months ago 12.80 seconds
# of current New Page Reviewers MPGuy2824 complete 12 months ago 0.05 seconds
Multiple databases : Year-wise count of translated articles Vjsuseela complete 12 months ago 0.20 seconds
Urwiki: Year-wise count of translated articles Vjsuseela complete 12 months ago 0.62 seconds
Bnwiki: Year-wise count of translated articles Vjsuseela complete 12 months ago 0.26 seconds
Aswiki: Year-wise count of translated articles Vjsuseela complete 12 months ago 0.07 seconds
Orwiki: Year-wise count of translated articles Vjsuseela complete 12 months ago 0.06 seconds
Pawiki: Year-wise count of translated articles Vjsuseela complete 12 months ago 0.33 seconds
Guwiki: Year-wise count of translated articles Vjsuseela complete 12 months ago 0.17 seconds
Mrwiki: Year-wise count of translated articles Vjsuseela complete 12 months ago 0.20 seconds
Knwiki: Year-wise count of translated articles Vjsuseela complete 12 months ago 0.11 seconds
Mlwiki: Year-wise count of translated articles Vjsuseela complete 12 months ago 0.58 seconds
Tawiki: Year-wise count of translated articles Vjsuseela complete 12 months ago 0.50 seconds
Tewiki: Year-wise count of translated articles Vjsuseela complete 12 months ago 0.25 seconds
Hindi wiki: Year-wise count of translated articles Vjsuseela complete 12 months ago 0.21 seconds
Vandalismebestrijding - vandal fighting IP-controle nlwiki Inertia6084 complete 1 year ago 5.23 seconds
Num of new articles by user since date (hrwiki) Ivi104 complete 1 year ago 1.98 seconds
HRWIKI: Redirects from other namespaces to mainspace Ivi104 complete 1 year ago 0.38 seconds
All of the top 1000 English Wikipedia articles by view without dutch Wikipedia article Bart Terpstra complete 1 year ago 0.18 seconds
Articles w/title matching regex in cat tree, w/path Cryptic complete 1 year ago 69.47 seconds
Articles w/title matching regex w/template on talk: Cryptic complete 1 year ago 1.66 seconds
Articles w/title matching regex w/template Cryptic complete 1 year ago 0.34 seconds
fawiki - Article talk pages larger that 40KB (probably not being archived) Jeeputer complete 1 year ago 0.52 seconds
All articles with trailing special characters missing redirects Anomie complete 1 year ago 126.55 seconds
Trailing special characters Anomie complete 1 year ago 117.78 seconds
[[x]]->[[x.]] redir mismatches Cryptic complete 1 year ago 13.30 seconds
Files on ja.wiki NOT in spec categories (no license) MGA73 complete 1 year ago 0.59 seconds
List {{purge at}} Xiplus complete 1 year ago 4.24 seconds
ويكيبيديا:طلبات استبدال الصور لوقا complete 1 year ago 0.04 seconds
Most used templates on bnwiki MdsShakil failed 1 year ago Unknown seconds
Bloqueios parciais de IP Albertoleoncio complete 1 year ago 0.76 seconds
Vandalismebestrijding nlwiki Inertia6084 complete 1 year ago 5.30 seconds
Infoboxes by number of transclusions in ruwiki Wikisaurus failed 1 year ago Unknown seconds
wikiversity protected files MGA73 complete 1 year ago 0.07 seconds
Files on gl.wiki NOT in spec categories (no license) MGA73 complete 1 year ago 0.07 seconds
Files on gl no file page MGA73 complete 1 year ago 0.57 seconds
All orphan files on vi.wiki MGA73 complete 1 year ago 1.15 seconds
Ski event lowercase after dash Dicklyon complete 1 year ago 40.03 seconds
Ski event capped after dash Dicklyon complete 1 year ago 16.00 seconds