SET @basecat='Opera';
SET max_recursive_iterations=7;
WITH RECURSIVE deepcat (subcat, catpath, depth) AS
SELECT REPLACE(@basecat, '_', ' '), REPLACE(@basecat, '_', ' '), 0
SELECT page_title, CONCAT(catpath, ' > ', REPLACE(page_title, '_', ' ')), depth + 1
FROM categorylinks
JOIN page ON page_id = cl_from AND page_namespace = 14
JOIN deepcat ON cl_to = subcat
SELECT DISTINCT REPLACE(page_title, '_', ' ') AS title,
MIN(catpath) OVER (PARTITION BY page_title ORDER BY depth ASC) AS 'category path'
FROM page
JOIN categorylinks ON cl_from = page_id
JOIN deepcat ON cl_to = subcat
WHERE page_title = 'Electrothermal-chemical_technology';
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