Title Author Status Last run Execution time
List of 1940s Telugu films Nsk2prasanth complete 1 month ago 0.09 seconds
List of 1960s Telugu films Nsk2prasanth complete 1 month ago 0.17 seconds
List of 1950s Telugu films Nsk2prasanth complete 1 month ago 0.16 seconds
List of 1970s Telugu films Nsk2prasanth complete 1 month ago 0.23 seconds
List of 1990s Telugu films Nsk2prasanth complete 1 month ago 0.39 seconds
List of 2000s Telugu films Nsk2prasanth complete 1 month ago 0.60 seconds
List of 2010s Telugu films Nsk2prasanth complete 1 month ago 0.76 seconds
Pigsonthewing's creation log Cryptic complete 1 month ago 2.59 seconds
Find Images on OpenStreetMap by user category Fl.schmitt complete 1 month ago 0.27 seconds
H Saeidpourbabak complete 1 month ago 131.95 seconds
دوویرگول ایالات_متحده_آمریکا Hosseinronaghi complete 1 month ago 4.49 seconds
Organizations_by_country_and_subject Hosseinronaghi complete 1 month ago 0.07 seconds
WStaபெருஞ்சொல்லகராதி Info-farmer complete 1 month ago 0.23 seconds
Number of pages by category Jagwar complete 1 month ago 5.92 seconds
Files used on OpenStreetMap by category Fl.schmitt complete 1 month ago 0.09 seconds
All files linked from subpages of Commons:Files used on Openstreetmap Fl.schmitt complete 1 month ago 201.59 seconds
ImageLinks by PageID for PagePile (limit 10) Fl.schmitt complete 1 month ago 112.09 seconds
Files on sq.wiki NOT in spec categories (no license) MGA73 complete 1 month ago 0.16 seconds
All orphan no-licensed and non-free files on sq.wiki MGA73 complete 1 month ago 0.18 seconds
Top 10.000 linked disambiguation pages on dewiki Hgzh complete 1 month ago 27.60 seconds
toollabs Edgars2007 complete 1 month ago 0.14 seconds
quarry own database Edgars2007 complete 1 month ago 0.17 seconds
FAs and FA redirects starting with "The " J11csd complete 1 month ago 108.02 seconds
Untitled query #85894 Cvf-ps complete 1 month ago 0.73 seconds
Most frequent domains (frwiki, 2024-08) Pyb en résidence complete 1 month ago 454.52 seconds
Edits mit bot-Flag? Wurgl complete 1 month ago 0.92 seconds
Untitled query #85885 Cvf-ps complete 1 month ago 0.47 seconds
Nonadmins w/1000+ edits in any of last 4 calendar months Cryptic complete 1 month ago 744.26 seconds
Admins w/1000+ edits in any of last 4 calendar months Cryptic complete 1 month ago 16.84 seconds
Articles with "none" short description on Thai Wikipedia Patsagorn Y. complete 1 month ago 1.10 seconds
M capped Rifle Dicklyon complete 1 month ago 0.36 seconds
Non-admins/bots w/1001+ edits in the last month Cryptic complete 1 month ago 54.44 seconds
Admins w/1001+ edits in the last month Cryptic complete 1 month ago 37.85 seconds
Deletions by month and reason Clayoquot complete 1 month ago 1098.94 seconds
Modifiche non verificate nel ns Template Cpaolo79 complete 1 month ago 0.63 seconds
Top 100 utenti più "utili" Cpaolo79 complete 1 month ago 0.51 seconds
Top 100 utenti più gentili Cpaolo79 complete 1 month ago 1.53 seconds
Top 100 verificatori di itwiki Cpaolo79 complete 1 month ago 7.65 seconds
カテゴリ間のリダイレクト FlatLanguage complete 1 month ago 1.27 seconds
ukWikiquote: All new articles the past two weeks Afek91 complete 1 month ago 0.26 seconds
ukWikiquote: #SheSaid tagged updated articles (01-Sep-24 : 31-Dec-24) Afek91 complete 1 month ago 0.65 seconds
Redirected old-named infoboxes to be deleted in cswiki Matěj Suchánek complete 1 month ago 0.20 seconds
Old-named infoboxes by number of transclusions in cswiki Matěj Suchánek complete 1 month ago 0.30 seconds
articles name Saeidpourbabak complete 1 month ago 1.60 seconds
WLE / WLM in Sweden participants Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 1 month ago 2.04 seconds
Tewiki:All users edit count all NS Chaduvari complete 1 month ago 2.61 seconds
Active user of Hindi Wikisource Shantanuo complete 1 month ago 0.58 seconds
Tewiki:Users with 499+ edits and active since 1 July 2023 Chaduvari complete 1 month ago 1.20 seconds
tewiki: Month-wise New articles creation Chaduvari complete 1 month ago 2.08 seconds
Abuse filter IP range search Mdaniels5757 complete 1 month ago 0.08 seconds