Title Author Status Last run Execution time
Hewiki new disambiguations Virant complete 3 months ago 2.74 seconds
Hewiki new disambiguations Virant complete 3 months ago 3.06 seconds
WikiDaheim users for Campaign:WikiDaheim-at (by first revision, by uploader) Herzi Pinki complete 3 months ago 19.45 seconds
Hewiki new disambiguations Virant complete 3 months ago 2.60 seconds
Untitled query #84075 Someonewhoisntme123 running 3 months ago Unknown seconds
hrwiki Articles without content category Ivi104 stopped 3 months ago Unknown seconds
bs: Circular categories Ivi104 complete 3 months ago 0.50 seconds
Commons media with HR description needing categories Ivi104 failed 3 months ago Unknown seconds
Hewiki new disambiguations Virant complete 3 months ago 2.63 seconds
my edits per day Sohom Datta complete 3 months ago 4.62 seconds
All non-free files on hr.wiki by size (oversized) Ivi104 complete 3 months ago 2.44 seconds
Top sites used in external links at hrwiki (main namespace) Ivi104 failed 3 months ago Unknown seconds
Hewiki new disambiguations Virant complete 3 months ago 2.61 seconds
HRWIKI: All IP users with long blocks DRG Ivi104 complete 3 months ago 0.20 seconds
shWiki: All IP talk pages older than 8 years Ivi104 complete 3 months ago 1.41 seconds
HRWIKI: Self-blocks Ivi104 complete 3 months ago 0.11 seconds
Comparison of IP edits by removal Ivi104 complete 3 months ago 2.16 seconds
Articles by lint errors except for Obsolete HTML tags (hrwiki) Ivi104 complete 3 months ago 5.26 seconds
Untitled query #84073 Someonewhoisntme123 failed 3 months ago Unknown seconds
Hewiki new disambiguations Virant complete 3 months ago 2.79 seconds
Number of locks for abuse Ladsgroup complete 3 months ago 25.54 seconds
Transclusions of missing templates Plastikspork running 3 months ago Unknown seconds
Number of global rights changed Ladsgroup complete 3 months ago 0.34 seconds
Number of locks for Spam-only Ladsgroup complete 3 months ago 23.64 seconds
Number of locks for Spam-only and others Ladsgroup complete 3 months ago 62.03 seconds
Untitled query #84067 Ladsgroup complete 3 months ago 3.42 seconds
Untitled query #84065 NBaca-WMF running 3 months ago Unknown seconds
Hewiki new disambiguations Virant complete 3 months ago 2.62 seconds
Hewiki new disambiguations Virant complete 3 months ago 2.65 seconds
Transclusions of missing templates Plastikspork stopped 3 months ago Unknown seconds
Transclusions of missing templates Plastikspork stopped 3 months ago Unknown seconds
nlwiki Wanted templates in main namespace Ennomien complete 3 months ago 1.67 seconds
Untitled query #84060 Vahurzpu complete 3 months ago 0.44 seconds
Hewiki new disambiguations Virant complete 3 months ago 2.68 seconds
math articles that exist in enwiki and idwiki Kekavigi complete 3 months ago 2.35 seconds
Untitled query #84056 FNegri-WMF running 3 months ago Unknown seconds
Untitled query #84055 Inertia6084 complete 3 months ago 6.74 seconds
Circular redirects Ivi104 failed 3 months ago Unknown seconds
Circular categories Ivi104 complete 3 months ago 0.40 seconds
Untitled query #84051 Sravani Jampana complete 3 months ago 13.05 seconds
BNR-Kategorien XenonX3 complete 3 months ago 2.46 seconds
Untitled query #84050 Anwesh Kalapala complete 3 months ago 0.06 seconds
Untitled query #84047 Anwesh Kalapala failed 3 months ago Unknown seconds
Transclusions of missing templates Plastikspork stopped 3 months ago Unknown seconds
Transclusions of missing templates Plastikspork stopped 3 months ago Unknown seconds
Unreviewed AFC-accepted articles ToadetteEdit complete 3 months ago 57.38 seconds
Most pending changes accepts (last 30 days) Neiltonks complete 3 months ago 2.25 seconds
Hewiki new disambiguations Virant complete 3 months ago 2.79 seconds
Get nlwiki page schema Srriedel complete 3 months ago 0.05 seconds
Most wanted articles: ns0→ns0 redlinks only, smaller than B, updated Srriedel running 3 months ago Unknown seconds