Title Author Status Last run Execution time
Hewiki new disambiguations Virant complete 4 months ago 2.44 seconds
Hewiki new disambiguations Virant complete 4 months ago 2.46 seconds
Wikidata:Pages that don't have Bengali label at Wikidata ZI Jony running 4 months ago Unknown seconds
Wikidata:Disambiguations with properties ZI Jony complete 4 months ago 88.46 seconds
Wikidata:Some items to be merged in Wikidata ZI Jony running 4 months ago Unknown seconds
Wikidata:Pages that don't have English label at Wikidata ZI Jony queued 4 months ago Unknown seconds
Hewiki new disambiguations Virant complete 4 months ago 2.44 seconds
Hewiki new disambiguations Virant complete 4 months ago 2.45 seconds
Articles created during a period, but the Talk page is not Chaduvari complete 4 months ago 1.14 seconds
Hewiki new disambiguations Virant complete 4 months ago 2.43 seconds
Hewiki new disambiguations Virant complete 4 months ago 2.59 seconds
Hewiki new disambiguations Virant complete 4 months ago 2.57 seconds
Missing categories Fuzzy complete 4 months ago 0.21 seconds
Untitled query #83098 Batthini Vinay Kumar Goud complete 4 months ago 1.12 seconds
Untitled query #83097 Batthini Vinay Kumar Goud complete 4 months ago 1.13 seconds
Hewiki new disambiguations Virant complete 4 months ago 2.48 seconds
Articles created during a period, but the Talk page is not Chaduvari complete 4 months ago 1.13 seconds
Templates in either of 2 specific tracking cats Cryptic complete 4 months ago 0.40 seconds
Hewiki new disambiguations Virant complete 4 months ago 2.48 seconds
Hewiki new disambiguations Virant complete 4 months ago 2.61 seconds
Hewiki new disambiguations Virant complete 4 months ago 2.44 seconds
Hewiki new disambiguations Virant complete 4 months ago 2.40 seconds
Hewiki new disambiguations Virant complete 4 months ago 2.44 seconds
Untitled query #83086 Jonesey95 running 4 months ago Unknown seconds
Wikidata:Items to be possibly deleted ZI Jony complete 4 months ago 48.64 seconds
Wikidata:Number of deleted items by admin ZI Jony complete 4 months ago 9.03 seconds
Wikidata:Pages that don't have bpy label at Wikidata ZI Jony complete 4 months ago 74.83 seconds
Wikidata:Pages that don't have Santali label at Wikidata ZI Jony complete 4 months ago 74.05 seconds
Wikidata:Items with sitelinks to Creator pages on Commons ZI Jony complete 4 months ago 0.05 seconds
Wikidata:Missing Commons category link on Wikidata ZI Jony complete 4 months ago 0.05 seconds
Wikidata:Missing Commons creator templates on Wikidata ZI Jony complete 4 months ago 0.26 seconds
Wikidata:Missing Commons insitution templates on Wikidata ZI Jony complete 4 months ago 0.06 seconds
Wikidata:Pages that don't have Hindi label at Wikidata ZI Jony complete 4 months ago 120.06 seconds
Wikidata:Redirects in bnwiki connected with Wikidata ZI Jony complete 4 months ago 2.36 seconds
Wikidata:Items have Bangla articles sitelink without any statements ZI Jony complete 4 months ago 52.10 seconds
Wikidata:Find most recent changes on Wikidata to stuff in Bengali ZI Jony complete 4 months ago 10.35 seconds
Liz complete 4 months ago 22.22 seconds
Userspace pages of non-existent users (no talk, no subpages) Liz complete 4 months ago 36.39 seconds
Liz complete 4 months ago 77.51 seconds
Liz complete 4 months ago 92.20 seconds
Category redirect Liz complete 4 months ago 9.91 seconds
Liz complete 4 months ago 4.99 seconds
Liz complete 4 months ago 5.12 seconds
Untitled query #83077 Rockingpenny4 complete 4 months ago 0.15 seconds
Untitled query #83076 Batthini Vinay Kumar Goud complete 4 months ago 1.84 seconds
Untitled query #83075 Batthini Vinay Kumar Goud complete 4 months ago 0.29 seconds
Untitled query #83074 Batthini Vinay Kumar Goud complete 4 months ago 0.21 seconds
Untitled query #83073 Batthini Vinay Kumar Goud queued 4 months ago Unknown seconds
lista stron z cudzysłowem w tytule Draco flavus complete 4 months ago 0.08 seconds
FindApproval Kookyllama complete 4 months ago 0.06 seconds