Title Author Status Last run Execution time
The pages in the someone category Dušan Kreheľ complete 1 year ago 0.17 seconds
Autopatrolled administrators Joe Roe stopped 1 year ago Unknown seconds
Statystyki 2023-03 Marek Mazurkiewicz complete 1 year ago 0.08 seconds
wikidata: en-labels without en-description Renamerr complete 1 year ago 1811.16 seconds
List of current/former admins/crats who have ever been blocked Soni complete 1 year ago 134.57 seconds
Mainspace redirects w/talk in cat Cryptic complete 1 year ago 2.91 seconds
Contributions through the ISA Tool by Participant (2022) Beat Estermann complete 1 year ago 14.65 seconds
Most pending changes accepts (last 30 days) Wes sideman complete 1 year ago 1.94 seconds
Contributions through the ISA Tool by Participant (2021) Beat Estermann complete 1 year ago 4.52 seconds
Contributions through the ISA Tool by Participant (2020) Beat Estermann complete 1 year ago 2.81 seconds
Contributions through the ISA Tool by Participant (2019) Beat Estermann complete 1 year ago 2.23 seconds
Contributions through the ISA Tool by Participant (2018) Beat Estermann complete 1 year ago 1.62 seconds
Unique participants to @ISA on Commons (2018-2022) Beat Estermann complete 1 year ago 8.16 seconds
Unique participants to @ISA on Commons (all years) Beat Estermann complete 1 year ago 81.52 seconds
(TOTAL) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-GLAM-shm Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 1 year ago 92.07 seconds
(from 2022) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-GLAM-raa Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 1 year ago 20.66 seconds
(from 2022) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-WLE-sweden Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 1 year ago 28.51 seconds
(from 2022) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-WLM-suriname Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 1 year ago 5.49 seconds
(from 2022) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-WLM-latvia Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 1 year ago 17.02 seconds
(from 2022) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-WLM-malta Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 1 year ago 23.49 seconds
(from 2022) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-WLM-portugal Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 1 year ago 65.43 seconds
(from 2022) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-WLM-ukraine Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 1 year ago 347.22 seconds
(from 2022) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-WLM-finland Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 1 year ago 6.04 seconds
(from 2022) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-WLM-armenia Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 1 year ago 118.71 seconds
(from 2022) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-WLM-brazil Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 1 year ago 47.51 seconds
(from 2022) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-WLM-sweden Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 1 year ago 5.27 seconds
(from 2022) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-WLM-serbia Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 1 year ago 5.81 seconds
(from 2022) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-WLM-poland Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 1 year ago 19.41 seconds
(from 2022) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-WLM-peru Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 1 year ago 5.04 seconds
(from 2022) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-WLM-india Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 1 year ago 9.21 seconds
(from 2022) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-WLM-italy Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 1 year ago 94.21 seconds
(from 2022) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-WLM-ireland Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 1 year ago 5.41 seconds
(from 2022) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-WLM-norway Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 1 year ago 4.52 seconds
(from 2022) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-WLM-slovenia Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 1 year ago 6.13 seconds
(from 2022) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-WLM-israel Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 1 year ago 6.27 seconds
(from 2022) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-WLM-aruba Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 1 year ago 7.62 seconds
(from 2022) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-WLM-bulgaria Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 1 year ago 36.65 seconds
(from 2022) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-WLE-latvia Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 1 year ago 49.26 seconds
WLM-UA participants 2012-2022 AntonProtsiuk (WMUA) complete 1 year ago 258.42 seconds
Non-free file used in article about an alive person Huji complete 1 year ago 1.53 seconds
שרי האלפים שרי המאות, בדיקה של יגאל וביקורת ביקורת complete 1 year ago 152.41 seconds
Number of edits by any user in main space in last 1 year Soni complete 1 year ago 0.11 seconds
WLE DE Participants 2014-2022 GPSLeo complete 1 year ago 12.43 seconds
nlwiki Wanted templates Bdijkstra complete 1 year ago 1.23 seconds
ruwiki IP edits Putnik complete 1 year ago 65.76 seconds
Lista indeksów wikiprojektu Kraszewski 2012 Ankry complete 1 year ago 0.34 seconds
Edit counts by time of +sysop Ixtal complete 1 year ago 92.64 seconds
DPLA upload metrics breakdown by hub Dominic complete 1 year ago 77.89 seconds
plwikisource - Autor:Józef Ignacy Kraszewski Peter Bowman complete 1 year ago 123.77 seconds
مُهِمّة إِنقاذ المقالات قد تُحَذف بِسَبَبِ الترجمة الآلية Gerges complete 1 year ago 59.52 seconds