Title Author Status Last run Execution time
Test Elph complete 1 year ago 58.68 seconds
Grand Finals Dicklyon complete 1 year ago 16.81 seconds
Submitted drafts with 0, 1, or 2 external links Novem Linguae complete 1 year ago 0.44 seconds
Linked misspellings Eejit43 complete 1 year ago 5.66 seconds
10 most edited pages on svwiki 2022 Ainali complete 1 year ago 46.20 seconds
PDFs uploaded on English Wikipedia Trialpears complete 1 year ago 145.25 seconds
Query new userboxes XtexChooser complete 1 year ago 0.13 seconds
একটি বিষয়শ্রেণিতে থাকা যে টেমপ্লেটের ব্যবহার নেই আফতাবুজ্জামান complete 1 year ago 0.04 seconds
Get latest rc_id XtexChooser complete 1 year ago 0.05 seconds
all signpost pages (talk) JPxG complete 1 year ago 3.61 seconds
all signpost pages (for omni-index) JPxG complete 1 year ago 6.49 seconds
Wikidata Latam Contest Results Jmmuguerza complete 1 year ago 82.22 seconds
Query all userbox templates XtexChooser complete 1 year ago 0.14 seconds
itWikiquote: #SheSaid tagged new articles (20-Oct-22 : 20-Dec-22) Camelia.boban complete 1 year ago 0.82 seconds
Latest plwikisource edits not showing up on recent changes Peter Bowman complete 1 year ago 2.36 seconds
TWP articles that link to disambiguation pages Mackensen complete 1 year ago 21.74 seconds
WS: RC bug (missing changes) Nux complete 1 year ago 0.09 seconds
frWikiquote: #SheSaid tagged new articles (01-Oct-22 : 31-Dec-22) Anthere complete 1 year ago 0.20 seconds
deWikiquote: #SheSaid tagged updated articles (01-Oct-22 : 31-Dec-22) Anthere complete 1 year ago 0.16 seconds
deWikiquote: #SheSaid tagged new articles (01-Oct-22 : 31-Dec-22) Anthere complete 1 year ago 0.43 seconds
tlWikiquote: All new articles the past two weeks Anthere complete 1 year ago 0.14 seconds
tlWikiquote: #SheSaid tagged updated articles (01-Oct-22 : 31-Dec-22) Anthere complete 1 year ago 0.49 seconds
tlWikiquote: #SheSaid tagged new articles (01-Oct-22 : 31-Dec-22) Anthere complete 1 year ago 0.96 seconds
bclWikiquote: All new articles the past two weeks Anthere complete 1 year ago 0.06 seconds
bclWikiquote: #SheSaid tagged updated articles (01-Oct-22 : 31-Dec-22) Anthere complete 1 year ago 0.33 seconds
igWikiquote: All new articles the past two weeks Anthere complete 1 year ago 0.05 seconds
bnWikiquote: All new articles the past two weeks Anthere complete 1 year ago 0.15 seconds
bnWikiquote: #SheSaid tagged new articles (01-Oct-22 : 31-Dec-22) Anthere complete 1 year ago 0.40 seconds
caWikiquote: All new articles the past two weeks Anthere complete 1 year ago 0.08 seconds
caWikiquote: #SheSaid tagged new articles (01-Oct-22 : 31-Dec-22) Anthere complete 1 year ago 0.49 seconds
enWikiquote: #SheSaid tagged updated articles (01-Oct-22 : 31-Dec-22) Anthere complete 1 year ago 0.88 seconds
enWikiquote: #SheSaid tagged new articles (01-Oct-22 : 31-Dec-22) Anthere complete 1 year ago 3.29 seconds
esWikiquote: All new articles the past two weeks Anthere complete 1 year ago 0.09 seconds
esWikiquote: #SheSaid tagged updated articles (01-Oct-22 : 31-Dec-22) Anthere complete 1 year ago 0.14 seconds
esWikiquote: #SheSaid tagged new articles (01-Oct-22 : 31-Dec-22) Anthere complete 1 year ago 0.42 seconds
frWikiquote: All new articles the past few weeks Anthere complete 1 year ago 0.12 seconds
itWikiquote: All new articles the last 14 days Anthere complete 1 year ago 0.72 seconds
itWikiquote: #SheSaid tagged updated articles (01-Oct-22 : 31-Dec-22) Anthere complete 1 year ago 0.43 seconds
itWikiquote: #SheSaid tagged new articles (01-Oct-22 : 31-Dec-22) Anthere complete 1 year ago 1.49 seconds
مقالات لوفيات تستعمل قالب:تاريخ الميلاد والعمر وهراني complete 1 year ago 1.25 seconds
Untitled query #69812 SBailey (WMF) complete 1 year ago 13.94 seconds
Untitled query #70252 Zabe complete 1 year ago 0.32 seconds
Daily deletions on plwiki (main namespace) Peter Bowman complete 1 year ago 8.90 seconds
Liczba edycji w przestrzeni Strona plwikisource w latach 2013-2022 Ankry complete 1 year ago 17.48 seconds
Liczba edycji w przestrzeni Strona plwikisource w 2022 roku Ankry complete 1 year ago 2.54 seconds
Liczba edycji w plwikisource w całej historii Ankry complete 1 year ago 16.30 seconds
Liczba edycji w plwikisource w 2022 roku Ankry complete 1 year ago 6.50 seconds
ويكيبيديا:إحصاءات العام/2022| عدد المقالات لكل شهر لوقا complete 1 year ago 11.57 seconds
Sugerowane wstawienie ilustracji: wszystkie edycje vs wycofane Msz2001 complete 1 year ago 0.06 seconds
Sugerowane wstawienie linków: wszystkie edycje vs wycofane Msz2001 complete 1 year ago 1.68 seconds