Title Author Status Last run Execution time
wikidata: users with most deleted revisions MisterSynergy complete 1 year ago 74.89 seconds
wikidatawiki: deleted items with edits by user MisterSynergy complete 1 year ago 41.09 seconds
هم‌خوان 4nn1l2 complete 1 year ago 5.89 seconds
all signpost main issue pages(?) JPxG complete 1 year ago 0.69 seconds
انسدادی 4nn1l2 complete 1 year ago 1.46 seconds
بی‌واک 4nn1l2 complete 1 year ago 1.50 seconds
Images in certain category by the date of upload Tohaomg complete 1 year ago 0.25 seconds
واکدار 4nn1l2 complete 1 year ago 1.56 seconds
نرم‌کامی 4nn1l2 complete 1 year ago 1.50 seconds
نرمکامی 4nn1l2 complete 1 year ago 1.59 seconds
Whole route from [[Category:Auto racing]] to [[Category:Formula One]] Cryptic complete 1 year ago 1.32 seconds
Route from [[Category:Auto racing]] to [[Category:Formula One]] Cryptic complete 1 year ago 0.25 seconds
ٔ 4nn1l2 complete 1 year ago 1.51 seconds
ۀ 4nn1l2 complete 1 year ago 1.79 seconds
Bot Wars?! (arwiki) FShbib complete 1 year ago 6.03 seconds
Orphaned article talks (arwiki) FShbib complete 1 year ago 2.98 seconds
Unexisting {{لا صندوق معلومات}} categories FShbib complete 1 year ago 66.45 seconds
Unexisting assessment categories (OTHERS) FShbib complete 1 year ago 260.53 seconds
Unexisting assessment categories (MAIN) FShbib complete 1 year ago 848.68 seconds
Broken redirects (arwiki) FShbib complete 1 year ago 2.53 seconds
المقالات المُراجعة آخر 7 أيام مع اسم المراجع FShbib complete 1 year ago 21.46 seconds
Soft hyphens on plwiki Peter Bowman complete 1 year ago 3.18 seconds
comparison Zache complete 1 year ago 0.68 seconds
Templates about KSA without WP:KSA banner (arwiki) FShbib failed 1 year ago Unknown seconds
tawiki possibly dead people with living category added Aswn complete 1 year ago 1.49 seconds
wikidata schema exploration Carlinmack complete 1 year ago 0.06 seconds
Wikidata items with \w in labels Carlinmack complete 1 year ago 0.10 seconds
Articles by lint errors, 10,000 Rchard2scout complete 1 year ago 40.24 seconds
Wikidata items with special characters in labels Carlinmack complete 1 year ago 143.25 seconds
(TOTAL) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-WLM-malta Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 1 year ago 58.91 seconds
kowiki oldest draft Bluehill complete 1 year ago 0.83 seconds
kowiki biggest draft Bluehill complete 1 year ago 2.85 seconds
pages with exactly one triage tag Cryptic complete 1 year ago 7.27 seconds
pages with exactly one triage tag Novem Linguae complete 1 year ago 2.06 seconds
triage tags by page count Cryptic complete 1 year ago 0.84 seconds
T321322 Novem Linguae failed 1 year ago Unknown seconds
Top NPP reviewers (articles only) for 2022 Hey man im josh complete 1 year ago 9.57 seconds
Unreviewed pages in pagetriage_page (namespace counts) TheresNoTime complete 1 year ago 0.30 seconds
Wikidata items with %20 in labels Carlinmack complete 1 year ago 65.04 seconds
Vandalismebestrijding nlwiki Inertia6084 complete 1 year ago 4.26 seconds
wikidata: P4510 Carlinmack complete 1 year ago 0.10 seconds
Wikidata items with � in labels Daniel Mietchen complete 1 year ago 266.96 seconds
Active users in category Cryptic complete 1 year ago 5.02 seconds
[2021] Wikidata for authorities, SHM and Nationalmuseum users Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 1 year ago 0.96 seconds
Unreviewed new pages by user Joe Roe complete 1 year ago 2.97 seconds
(TOTAL) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-GLAM-nm Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 1 year ago 43.14 seconds
(TOTAL) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-WLM-india Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 1 year ago 120.75 seconds
(TOTAL) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-WLE-sweden Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 1 year ago 53.05 seconds
(TOTAL) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-WLM-suriname Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 1 year ago 51.86 seconds
(TOTAL) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-WLM-ireland Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 1 year ago 23.53 seconds