Title Author Status Last run Execution time
Articles that are soft redirects Darcyisverycute failed 1 year ago Unknown seconds
Untitled query #66240 Darcyisverycute complete 1 year ago 0.06 seconds
RightsHistory Dburrill complete 1 year ago 190.14 seconds
list of articles w/o redirections starting by letter דוד כהן1 complete 1 year ago 3.53 seconds
List of links to geoportail in fr.wikipedia.org PAC2 complete 1 year ago 75.25 seconds
mobile upload metadata (from recentchanges, depending on change tag) Whym complete 1 year ago 8.08 seconds
Untitled query #66232 Adsum1369 complete 1 year ago 6.44 seconds
Untitled query #66228 CokeGuy complete 1 year ago 6980.24 seconds
Files in need of a Creator template Jarekt stopped 1 year ago Unknown seconds
Untitled query #66227 Red Director complete 1 year ago 4.39 seconds
Untitled query #66224 Dušan Kreheľ complete 1 year ago 24.03 seconds
Untitled query #66223 RoySmith complete 1 year ago 0.07 seconds
Void VRook (WMF) complete 1 year ago 0.08 seconds
list of articles w/o redirections starting by letter דוד כהן1 complete 1 year ago 24.67 seconds
উইকিপিডিয়ার শীর্ষ সম্পাদকগণ MS Sakib complete 1 year ago 2.82 seconds
Untitled query #66217 Anuj.daisys complete 1 year ago 0.16 seconds
Untitled query #66218 Anuj.daisys complete 1 year ago 0.08 seconds
Flagged revs bug T313700 example cases Zache complete 1 year ago 3.30 seconds
Untitled query #64121 Andreyyshore complete 1 year ago 10.96 seconds
Capture QuickStatement external links of {{Object Location}} templates Jarekt complete 1 year ago 3.22 seconds
Vandalismebestrijding, IP-patrolling nlwiki Inertia6084 complete 1 year ago 4.11 seconds
Untitled query #66212 L235 complete 1 year ago 225.51 seconds
Untitled query #66213 Njd-de complete 1 year ago 0.09 seconds
Mensagem de cada filtro de edição Albertoleoncio complete 1 year ago 0.17 seconds
Untitled query #66211 תום רגב complete 1 year ago 1674.95 seconds
Untitled query #66210 תום רגב failed 1 year ago Unknown seconds
Untitled query #66207 Wurgl complete 1 year ago 8.56 seconds
Untitled query #66206 Skyyx1993 failed 1 year ago Unknown seconds
Files on hi.wiki NOT in spec categories MGA73 complete 1 year ago 0.14 seconds
Number of edits on Old French lexemes per user VIGNERON complete 1 year ago 99.71 seconds
Untitled query #66202 AntiCompositeNumber complete 1 year ago 521.78 seconds
قائمة المستخدمين الأكثر مراجعةً للتعديلات في يوم ويكيبيديا العربية الثامن عشر جار الله complete 1 year ago 630.48 seconds
قائمة المستخدمين الأكثر مراجعةً للمقالات في يوم ويكيبيديا العربية الثامن عشر جار الله complete 1 year ago 75.80 seconds
قائمة المستخدمين الأكثر إنشاءً للمقالات في يوم ويكيبيديا العربية الثامن عشر جار الله complete 1 year ago 9.66 seconds
قائمة المستخدمين الأكثر إنشاءً للمقالات في يوم ويكيبيديا العربية السادس عشر إسلام complete 1 year ago 8.95 seconds
Untitled query #66196 Njd-de complete 1 year ago 0.82 seconds
Commons files uploaded by enwiki vandals Vahurzpu complete 1 year ago 0.06 seconds
Untitled query #66192 MdsShakil complete 1 year ago 0.98 seconds
Ukrainian Independence Month 2021 on UKWP Ivakode complete 1 year ago 0.08 seconds
Most prolific tnwiki editors of all time Amire80 complete 1 year ago 0.40 seconds
Untitled query #66188 GpieroMW complete 1 year ago 0.08 seconds
সংশোধিত ও কম বাইট Bodhisattwa complete 1 year ago 25.14 seconds
Untitled query #66185 PleaseStand complete 1 year ago 52.27 seconds
Oldest VfD revision JPxG complete 1 year ago 2.72 seconds
Oldest AfD revision JPxG complete 1 year ago 106.80 seconds
Equivalent of https://petscan.wmflabs.org/?psid=22495882 Cryptic complete 1 year ago 2.63 seconds
See if T238328 is still happening (100 most recent matches) Cryptic complete 1 year ago 146.22 seconds
See if T238328 is still happening (5000 most recent edits) Cryptic complete 1 year ago 0.46 seconds
See if T238328 is still happening Novem Linguae complete 1 year ago 703.06 seconds
Untitled query #66175 Shirayuki failed 1 year ago Unknown seconds