Title Author Status Last run Execution time
(from 2022) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-WLM-peru Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 1 year ago 5.04 seconds
(from 2022) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-WLM-india Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 1 year ago 9.21 seconds
(from 2022) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-WLM-italy Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 1 year ago 94.21 seconds
(from 2022) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-WLM-ireland Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 1 year ago 5.41 seconds
(from 2022) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-WLM-norway Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 1 year ago 4.52 seconds
(from 2022) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-WLM-slovenia Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 1 year ago 6.13 seconds
(from 2022) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-WLM-israel Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 1 year ago 6.27 seconds
(from 2022) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-WLM-aruba Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 1 year ago 7.62 seconds
(from 2022) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-WLM-bulgaria Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 1 year ago 36.65 seconds
(from 2022) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-WLE-latvia Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 1 year ago 49.26 seconds
Untitled query #73235 Jon Harald Søby complete 1 year ago 0.05 seconds
Untitled query #73233 Adert complete 1 year ago 0.99 seconds
Untitled query #73232 AntonProtsiuk (WMUA) failed 1 year ago Unknown seconds
WLM-UA participants 2012-2022 AntonProtsiuk (WMUA) complete 1 year ago 258.42 seconds
Orphaned talk pages Liz complete 1 year ago 77.84 seconds
Wikisource: correlate index pages → mainspace pages Samwilson complete 1 year ago 671.40 seconds
Non-free file used in article about an alive person Huji complete 1 year ago 1.53 seconds
Global usage of We Are Beautiful files Lucas Werkmeister complete 1 year ago 0.73 seconds
Orphaned talk pages Liz complete 1 year ago 40.13 seconds
Orphaned talk pages Liz complete 1 year ago 55.63 seconds
Untitled query #73224 Megitsune-chan complete 1 year ago 2.73 seconds
Nowe strony w wikiprojekcie Kraszewski wg lat Ankry complete 1 year ago 66.55 seconds
file names to be fixed on Commons Achim55 complete 1 year ago 84.10 seconds
روابط لمواقع منتديات وهراني complete 1 year ago 34.75 seconds
ukwiki Pages without pageimage Bdijkstra complete 1 year ago 1.73 seconds
Untitled query #73216 لوقا complete 1 year ago 91.56 seconds
Untitled query #73214 MartaAlet complete 1 year ago 1648.83 seconds
Article creation timestamp in spanish wiki during 2022 MartaAlet complete 1 year ago 248.85 seconds
قائمة بصناديق المستخدمين لوقا complete 1 year ago 0.88 seconds
Revision EqJjgOa8rVvsRmZL complete 1 year ago 0.07 seconds
שרי האלפים שרי המאות, בדיקה של יגאל וביקורת ביקורת complete 1 year ago 152.41 seconds
Untitled query #73198 యర్రా రామారావు failed 1 year ago Unknown seconds
Untitled query #73197 యర్రా రామారావు complete 1 year ago 0.04 seconds
Number of edits by any user in main space in last 1 year Soni complete 1 year ago 0.11 seconds
Sample Zache complete 1 year ago 0.06 seconds
Untitled query #73122 Dominic stopped 1 year ago Unknown seconds
Untitled query #73180 Kbreen2724 complete 1 year ago 0.14 seconds
Untitled query #73192 Zilant17 complete 1 year ago 0.11 seconds
Deletion rates of CX and non-CX articles for a wiki UOzurumba (WMF) complete 1 year ago 0.82 seconds
Articles created by CX in siwiki in 2021 UOzurumba (WMF) complete 1 year ago 10.36 seconds
Tewiki Date-wise pages published from Content translation UOzurumba (WMF) complete 1 year ago 0.33 seconds
Untitled query #73186 VRook (WMF) complete 1 year ago 0.15 seconds
Articles created in the volapuk wikipedia during 2022 MartaAlet complete 1 year ago 3.81 seconds
Articles created in the ido wikipedia during 2022 MartaAlet complete 1 year ago 5.79 seconds
Articles created in the interlingua wikipedia during 2022 MartaAlet complete 1 year ago 4.25 seconds
Articles created in the interlingue wikipedia during 2022 MartaAlet complete 1 year ago 2.71 seconds
Articles created in the novial wikipedia during 2022 MartaAlet complete 1 year ago 0.17 seconds
nlwiki Red links that appear to have a namespace prefix Bdijkstra complete 1 year ago 1212.64 seconds
Untitled query #73018 لوقا complete 1 year ago 193.71 seconds
Untitled query #73178 RoySmith complete 1 year ago 5.49 seconds