Title Author Status Last run Execution time
Pages with no talk page 1234qwer1234qwer4 complete 4 years ago 148.08 seconds
RoySmith's RfA RoySmith complete 4 years ago 17.71 seconds
وپ:دار، بر پایه > اقتباس، با استفاده از میان‌ویکی Saeidpourbabak complete 4 years ago 52.36 seconds
وپ:دار، بر پایه > اقتباس، بدون استفاده از میان‌ویکی Saeidpourbabak complete 4 years ago 52.68 seconds
Get Label from item id of wikidata Neechalkaran complete 4 years ago 0.08 seconds
مقالات بوابة السعودية غير المقيمة (بدون نقاش) FShbib complete 4 years ago 1.91 seconds
Titles with colon-number pattern Ammarpad complete 4 years ago 23.71 seconds
List all users and revisions of a page after a given time Mys 721tx complete 4 years ago 3.66 seconds
Mainspace non-redirects with curly singlequotes Cryptic complete 4 years ago 143.89 seconds
Páginas de usuário movidas para outro domínio Danilo.mac complete 4 years ago 0.68 seconds
Articles with curly quotes in title Trialpears complete 4 years ago 147.50 seconds
Files without a file information page Stefan2 complete 4 years ago 1166.55 seconds
COVID-19 Task-force Articles (arwiki) FShbib complete 4 years ago 8.77 seconds
Faebot trimmer activity by platform complete 4 years ago 3.69 seconds
trwiki:Most speedy or requested deleted articles per notability by title Evolutionoftheuniverse complete 4 years ago 68.56 seconds
lista redaktorów plwiktionary z ponad 10 edycjami w ostatnim roku Ankry complete 4 years ago 38.47 seconds
lista redaktorów plwikisource z ponad 10 edycjami w ostatnim roku Ankry complete 4 years ago 13.87 seconds
Creation size and current size of fawiki articles Huji complete 4 years ago 2102.30 seconds
trwiki:Lag detection Evolutionoftheuniverse complete 4 years ago 0.12 seconds
enwiki:Pages in WikiProject History of Science without trwiki interwikis title like "%mass_destruction%" Evolutionoftheuniverse complete 4 years ago 0.20 seconds
enwiki:Pages in WikiProject History of Science without trwiki interwikis title like "Science_and_technology_in%" Evolutionoftheuniverse complete 4 years ago 0.26 seconds
Untitled query #46216 Larske complete 4 years ago 492.80 seconds
Special:Nuke substitute Cryptic complete 4 years ago 0.45 seconds
trwiki:Articles without links Evolutionoftheuniverse complete 4 years ago 60.71 seconds
Pages (title is one word) with defaultsort (arwiki) FShbib complete 4 years ago 1.11 seconds
Disambiguation pages without template (arwiki) FShbib complete 4 years ago 2.49 seconds
Pages, that don't have arabic label at Wikidata daily (NEW) FShbib complete 4 years ago 1415.86 seconds
Articles only in hidden categories on plwiki The Polish complete 4 years ago 120.89 seconds
Articles without categories on plwiki The Polish complete 4 years ago 197.22 seconds
The way "this v. that" has been translated to Persian Huji complete 4 years ago 16.51 seconds
Recent uses of Twinkle on fawiki Huji complete 4 years ago 10.76 seconds
Oberflächenadmin-Aktionen Wurgl complete 4 years ago 77.69 seconds
Largest pages (excl. lists) Darren-M complete 4 years ago 1.67 seconds
أكثر المستخدمين امتلاكًا للصلاحيات في ويكيبيديا العربية ASammour complete 4 years ago 0.98 seconds
trwiki:Categories not connected to Wikidata items Evolutionoftheuniverse complete 4 years ago 627.52 seconds
trwiki:Most frequent used categories Evolutionoftheuniverse complete 4 years ago 3.05 seconds
trwiki:Gender selection Evolutionoftheuniverse complete 4 years ago 4.08 seconds
ruwiki: Templates with the biggest number of words Jack who built the house complete 4 years ago 4.79 seconds
ruwiki: Pages with the biggest number of words Jack who built the house complete 4 years ago 9.35 seconds
Articles, whose talk pages belong to certain category Tohaomg complete 4 years ago 0.92 seconds
King query IKhitron complete 4 years ago 0.11 seconds
Links to NLA urls from en wikipedia Kent Fitch Australia complete 4 years ago 79.68 seconds
Self-links Cryptic complete 4 years ago 99.27 seconds
Wikidata Qids by category on plwiki Piastu complete 4 years ago 0.38 seconds
Kategóriaátirányítások FoBe complete 4 years ago 2.04 seconds
validated-Rabiyathulகுன்றக்குடிஅடிகளார்நூல்8 Rabiyathul kaniyam complete 4 years ago 3.92 seconds
বাংলা উইকিতে সবচেয়ে বেশী নিবন্ধ সৃষ্টি করা ব্যবহারকারী Waraka Saki complete 4 years ago 49.41 seconds
trwiki:Most deleted articles by title Evolutionoftheuniverse complete 4 years ago 50.82 seconds
trwiki:Redirects from articles to user namespace Evolutionoftheuniverse complete 4 years ago 0.68 seconds
trwiki:Sandboxes of anonymous users Evolutionoftheuniverse complete 4 years ago 0.13 seconds