Title Author Status Last run Execution time
Wikimedia Commons media with Czech description needing categories Estopedist1 complete 2 years ago 12.70 seconds
Computational biology articles with Spanish language equivalent Amkilpatrick complete 2 years ago 0.92 seconds
Vandalismebestrijding (vandal fighting) IP-patrolling nlwiki Inertia6084 complete 2 years ago 5.81 seconds
IP-patrolling nlwiki Inertia6084 complete 2 years ago 4.46 seconds
List page in the one category Dušan Kreheľ complete 2 years ago 28.29 seconds
5 most edited talk pages on svwiki last 7 days Ainali complete 2 years ago 14.65 seconds
Telugu Wikipedia articles created by bots (all-time) KCVelaga complete 2 years ago 0.80 seconds
find file in Commons Estopedist1 complete 2 years ago 0.05 seconds
count mainspace redirects created per WD user 1234qwer1234qwer4 complete 2 years ago 568.07 seconds
InfoboxExport gadget statistics per month Putnik complete 2 years ago 4.37 seconds
InfoboxExport gadget statistics per user Putnik complete 2 years ago 121.22 seconds
Wikidata changes made with Cita Diegodlh complete 2 years ago 31.76 seconds
Untitled query #64729 Superyetkin complete 2 years ago 0.24 seconds
uncatted docpages 1234qwer1234qwer4 complete 2 years ago 0.51 seconds
enwiki admins with lowest edit counts Graham87 complete 2 years ago 1.07 seconds
All orphan non-free files on te.wiki MGA73 complete 2 years ago 0.33 seconds
Venezolanos en Wikipedia en español Superzerocool complete 2 years ago 0.29 seconds
Numer of edits in an article by date Msz2001 complete 2 years ago 0.11 seconds
Vandalismebestrijding (vandalfighting, nlwiki) Inertia6084 complete 2 years ago 4.63 seconds
Pages in the Main namespace using the Graph extension (enwiki) IHurbainPalatin (WMF) complete 2 years ago 14.90 seconds
Orphaned talk pages on plwiktionary Peter Bowman complete 2 years ago 0.31 seconds
Inspecting change tag IDs Isaac (WMF) complete 2 years ago 0.30 seconds
Vandalismebestrijding (vandal fighting/IP-patrolling) Inertia6084 complete 2 years ago 3.32 seconds
Healthy Environment Week 2022 on UkWP AntonProtsiuk (WMUA) complete 2 years ago 0.08 seconds
Aswikisource Active User :1-Jan-22 to 30-Mar-22 Jayanta (CIS-A2K) complete 2 years ago 0.30 seconds
Vandalismebestrijding Inertia6084 complete 2 years ago 5.48 seconds
find pages transcluding {{Translation_table}} template Jarekt complete 2 years ago 67.59 seconds
Untitled query #64644 Superyetkin complete 2 years ago 25.08 seconds
Vandalismebestrijding IP-patrolling nlwiki Inertia6084 complete 2 years ago 5.58 seconds
WLE-IT participants 2014-2021 not active in 2022 AntonProtsiuk (WMUA) complete 2 years ago 10.50 seconds
R2 eligible XNRs from mainspace Elli complete 2 years ago 204.21 seconds
WStaஉலகநாடுகளில்உடற்கல்வி Info-farmer complete 2 years ago 0.75 seconds
Vandalismebestrijding (IP-controle) nlwiki Inertia6084 complete 2 years ago 5.00 seconds
Vandalismebestrijding nlwiki Inertia6084 complete 2 years ago 5.80 seconds
Pick random 1000 articles from plwiki Msz2001 complete 2 years ago 1.13 seconds
File di it.wiki Mess complete 2 years ago 144.09 seconds
Transclusions of given template on plwiki The Polish complete 2 years ago 21.86 seconds
قزل 4nn1l2 complete 2 years ago 5.78 seconds
Vandalismebestrijding nlwiki Inertia6084 complete 2 years ago 6.16 seconds
3DS Game Articles Below GA PerryPerryD complete 2 years ago 0.55 seconds
Perry Guerillero complete 2 years ago 0.38 seconds
Vandalismebestrijding nlwiki Inertia6084 complete 2 years ago 5.79 seconds
Vandalismebestrijding nlwiki (IP-patrolling) Inertia6084 complete 2 years ago 6.13 seconds
Commons: Distribution of rc-categorize (Incorrect query) Krinkle complete 2 years ago 7.25 seconds
Commons: Distribution of rc-categorize (Corrected) Krinkle complete 2 years ago 26.17 seconds
Commons: Example details of rc-categorize data Krinkle complete 2 years ago 0.09 seconds
Commons: Top RC categorize subjects (Incorrect query) Krinkle complete 2 years ago 9.35 seconds
Commons categories that likely should be hidden but aren't Krinkle complete 2 years ago 6.96 seconds
Most thanking/thanked users (total, last year) on cswiki Draceane complete 2 years ago 1.08 seconds
Vandalismebestrijding nlwiki (IP-patrolling) Inertia6084 complete 2 years ago 6.23 seconds