Title Author Status Last run Execution time
Sandboxes in use Pppery complete 1 month ago 10.64 seconds
Category by time Pppery complete 1 month ago 1.53 seconds
Empty categories linking to redlinked templates Pppery complete 1 month ago 8.82 seconds
R2-eligible redirects Pppery complete 1 month ago 21.30 seconds
Em-dash mismatches (single dash) Pppery complete 1 month ago 10.52 seconds
Em-dash mismatches (double dash) Pppery complete 1 month ago 12.83 seconds
En-dash mismatches (double dash) Pppery complete 1 month ago 20.40 seconds
En-dash mismatches (single dash) Pppery complete 1 month ago 23.33 seconds
[[x]]->[[x.]] redir mismatches (Pppery fork) Pppery complete 1 month ago 36.52 seconds
Possible spam hijacks Pppery complete 1 month ago 20.36 seconds
Categories with only excluded parents Pppery complete 1 month ago 73.90 seconds
New unsourced articles Pppery complete 1 month ago 6.27 seconds
Untitled query #85465 Estimatio complete 1 month ago 0.09 seconds
Untitled query #85463 Estimatio complete 1 month ago 1.69 seconds
Untitled query #85475 CamelNeon complete 1 month ago 32.08 seconds
Most thanked ever ranked Hey man im josh complete 1 month ago 112.24 seconds
Untitled query #83481 لوقا complete 1 month ago 278.60 seconds
imagehash query example Zache complete 1 month ago 0.09 seconds
Untitled query #85473 KublaiofXanadu failed 1 month ago Unknown seconds
User talk namespace redirects (shwiki) Aca complete 1 month ago 1.59 seconds
Untitled query #72672 Aca complete 1 month ago 0.04 seconds
Article titles with quotation marks (shwiki) Aca complete 1 month ago 1.50 seconds
Patrolled edits from users (shwiki) Aca complete 1 month ago 1.20 seconds
Article titles with em dash (shwiki) Aca complete 1 month ago 1.69 seconds
Special:UncategorizedPages on Commonswiki (namespace 0 only) Enhancing999 complete 1 month ago 49.64 seconds
Untitled query #85470 ShellyYin complete 1 month ago 5076.05 seconds
Files on te.wiktionary (NOT in spec categories (no license)) MGA73 complete 1 month ago 1.09 seconds
V protect Iluvatar complete 1 month ago 54.43 seconds
V block Iluvatar complete 1 month ago 58.97 seconds
Untitled query #85467 Estimatio complete 1 month ago 0.10 seconds
Untitled query #85464 Estimatio complete 1 month ago 0.22 seconds
Untitled query #85460 Estimatio complete 1 month ago 1432.93 seconds
Untitled query #85459 Estimatio complete 1 month ago 1323.17 seconds
Untitled query #85458 Estimatio complete 1 month ago 0.07 seconds
External links NLA Nintendofan885 complete 1 month ago 494.64 seconds
Weiterleitung waz.de und mz.de Wurgl complete 1 month ago 1.47 seconds
Files on Commons without file pages Achim55 stopped 1 month ago Unknown seconds
Untitled query #85457 Estimatio stopped 1 month ago Unknown seconds
Untitled query #85456 Estimatio complete 1 month ago 2080.13 seconds
All tables in the enwiki_p database Nintendofan885 complete 1 month ago 0.18 seconds
Linksearch Nintendofan885 failed 1 month ago Unknown seconds
id 1704 Amire80 complete 1 month ago 0.40 seconds
Rifle Dicklyon complete 1 month ago 1024.34 seconds
Carbine Dicklyon complete 1 month ago 626.39 seconds
nxn mm ammo Dicklyon complete 1 month ago 92.48 seconds
Hewiki new disambiguations Virant complete 1 month ago 2.55 seconds
Untitled query #85444 MMiller (WMF) complete 1 month ago 0.16 seconds
বাংলা উইকিপিডিয়ায় সম্পাদনা পরীক্ষার পরিসংখ্যান R1F4T complete 1 month ago 3.66 seconds
Patrollers & rollbackers in cswiki R1F4T complete 1 month ago 2.26 seconds
Hewiki new disambiguations Virant complete 1 month ago 2.37 seconds