Title Author Status Last run Execution time
Empty categories without incoming links FShbib complete 2 years ago 8.50 seconds
trwiki:Articles which might contain unreliable sources by external link Evolutionoftheuniverse complete 2 years ago 169.17 seconds
trwiki:Articles which might contain unreliable sources by title Evolutionoftheuniverse complete 2 years ago 9296.62 seconds
trwiki:Unexisting links in articles within the scope of Vikiproje Bilim tarihi Evolutionoftheuniverse complete 2 years ago 3.49 seconds
Page links last updated before February 2010 (and not NULL) Wbm1058 complete 2 years ago 20.92 seconds
The count revisions per one day. Dušan Kreheľ complete 2 years ago 39.33 seconds
wikidata:Deleted trwiki pages by interwiki Evolutionoftheuniverse failed 2 years ago Unknown seconds
Vandalismebestrijding nlwiki Inertia6084 complete 2 years ago 5.67 seconds
All non-free files potentially public domain Arjunaraoc complete 2 years ago 0.18 seconds
Actively collaborated article pages - contributors Arjunaraoc complete 2 years ago 1.83 seconds
Actively collaborated article pages yearwise Arjunaraoc complete 2 years ago 14.30 seconds
Pages of a category with name following pattern Arjunaraoc complete 2 years ago 1.09 seconds
Flyttar från användarnamnrymden till huvudnamnrymden Kitayama complete 2 years ago 0.16 seconds
All pages in article name space with zwnj followed by space Arjunaraoc complete 2 years ago 1.63 seconds
All page titles in article name space with zwnj per user Arjunaraoc complete 2 years ago 1.39 seconds
recent questionable XNRs from move on enwiki Tamzin complete 2 years ago 2.01 seconds
Vandalismebestrijding (nlwiki) Inertia6084 complete 2 years ago 5.25 seconds
Userbox XNRs on enwiki Tamzin complete 2 years ago 0.16 seconds
Last 10,000 edited article page IDs Krinkle complete 2 years ago 9.28 seconds
(TOTAL) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-WLM-bulgaria Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 2 years ago 12.27 seconds
All XNRs from mainspace on enwiki, less pseudo-nses, no cats Tamzin complete 2 years ago 32.95 seconds
All XNRs from mainspace on enwiki Tamzin complete 2 years ago 34.04 seconds
WikiProject XNRs on enwiki Tamzin complete 2 years ago 0.24 seconds
All XNRs from mainspace on enwiki, less pseudo-nses Tamzin complete 2 years ago 69.08 seconds
nlwiki Categories with only redirects Bdijkstra complete 2 years ago 43.53 seconds
(TOTAL) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-WLM-panama Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 2 years ago 12.64 seconds
Number of Russian lexemes per user Infovarius complete 2 years ago 268.46 seconds
"portal" redirects from mainspace to elsewhere on enwiki Tamzin complete 2 years ago 4.69 seconds
Mainspace "portal" redirects on enwiki Tamzin complete 2 years ago 28.72 seconds
Vandalismebestrijding nlwiki Inertia6084 complete 2 years ago 5.09 seconds
zhwiki: Former autoreviewer edit counts in 30 days Ericliu1912 complete 2 years ago 4.04 seconds
(TOTAL) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-WLM-tunisia Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 2 years ago 46.78 seconds
This day in history contributors Arjunaraoc complete 2 years ago 0.25 seconds
Featured article blurb contributors Arjunaraoc complete 2 years ago 0.34 seconds
Featured picture blurb contributors Arjunaraoc complete 2 years ago 0.38 seconds
Featured DYK Contributions Arjunaraoc complete 2 years ago 0.51 seconds
(TOTAL) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-WLM-australia Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 2 years ago 7.33 seconds
(TOTAL) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-WLM-greece Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 2 years ago 18.08 seconds
(TOTAL) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-WLM-norway Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 2 years ago 16.97 seconds
(TOTAL) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-WLM-chile Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 2 years ago 55.21 seconds
Main page feature contributor statistics for an year Arjunaraoc complete 2 years ago 2.06 seconds
Wikidata items with most links The wub complete 2 years ago 65.73 seconds
Rolling number of edits (7 days) on cswiki (using actor table) Blahma complete 2 years ago 104.61 seconds
Daily number of edits on cswiki (using actor table) Blahma complete 2 years ago 35.45 seconds
page_random gaps Colin M complete 2 years ago 735.94 seconds
CS1 References with Missing Titles SuperiorWalrus complete 2 years ago 32.11 seconds
-WMF users on Meta RamzyM (WMF) complete 2 years ago 30.35 seconds
(TOTAL) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-WLM-uruguay Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 2 years ago 15.76 seconds
(TOTAL) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-WLM-venezuela Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 2 years ago 12.61 seconds
(TOTAL) SDC edits by user and edit summary #WMSE-WLM-georgia Alicia Fagerving (WMSE) complete 2 years ago 18.40 seconds