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Jmorgan (WMF)
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Jmorgan (WMF)
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#get the list of all possible tags #SELECT DISTINCT ct_tag FROM enwiki_p.change_tag; #find all mobile app edits to the WIkipedia article 'panama papers' #tables #page table - has the title and page_id of the article #revision table - has data on which edits (rev_id) were made to this page_id #change_tag table - has all the tags associated with a particular revision (rev_id) #SELECT * FROM enwiki_p.revision AS r #JOIN AS p #ON p.page_id = r.rev_page #JOIN enwiki_p.change_tag AS ct ON r.rev_id = ct.ct_rev_id #WHERE p.page_id = 50034356 #AND ct.ct_tag = "mobile app edit"; #SELECT tmp1.mobile_app_count, tmp2.mobile_web_count FROM #(SELECT COUNT(r.rev_id) AS mobile_app_count FROM enwiki_p.revision AS r #JOIN AS p #ON p.page_id = r.rev_page #JOIN enwiki_p.change_tag AS ct ON r.rev_id = ct.ct_rev_id #WHERE p.page_id = 50034356 #AND ct.ct_tag = "mobile app edit") AS tmp1, #(SELECT COUNT(r.rev_id) AS mobile_web_count FROM enwiki_p.revision AS r #JOIN AS p #ON p.page_id = r.rev_page #JOIN enwiki_p.change_tag AS ct ON r.rev_id = ct.ct_rev_id #WHERE p.page_id = 50034356 #AND ct.ct_tag = "mobile web edit") AS tmp2; #SELECT COUNT(r.rev_id) FROM enwiki_p.revision AS r WHERE r.rev_page = 50034356; /* SELECT COUNT(r.rev_id) AS all_mobile_count FROM enwiki_p.revision AS r JOIN AS p ON p.page_id = r.rev_page JOIN enwiki_p.change_tag AS ct ON r.rev_id = ct.ct_rev_id WHERE p.page_id = 50034356 AND ct.ct_tag = "mobile edit"; */ SELECT SUM(tmp1.mobile_app_count) AS mac FROM (SELECT r.rev_id AS mobile_app_count FROM enwiki_p.revision AS r JOIN AS p ON p.page_id = r.rev_page JOIN enwiki_p.change_tag AS ct ON r.rev_id = ct.ct_rev_id WHERE p.page_id = 50034356 AND ct.ct_tag = "mobile app edit") AS tmp1 /* (SELECT r.rev_id AS mobile_web_count FROM enwiki_p.revision AS r JOIN AS p ON p.page_id = r.rev_page JOIN enwiki_p.change_tag AS ct ON r.rev_id = ct.ct_rev_id WHERE p.page_id = 50034356 AND ct.ct_tag = "mobile web edit") AS tmp2; */ ######## #SELECT * FROM enwiki_p.revision AS r #JOIN AS p #ON p.page_id = r.rev_page #JOIN enwiki_p.change_tag AS ct ON r.rev_id = ct.ct_rev_id #WHERE p.page_id = 50034356 #AND ct.ct_tag = "mobile web edit"; #select distinct r.rc_user userid, r.rc_user_text username, count(r.rc_id) ve_edits # from recentchanges r join tag_summary t on r.rc_id = t.ts_rc_id # where r.rc_user != 0 and r.rc_bot = 0 and r.rc_namespace = 0 # and r.rc_source in ("mw.edit", "") and t.ts_tags like "%visualeditor%" # group by userid #select * from enwiki_p.change_tag limit 100,10; #select * from enwiki_p.change_tag AS ct JOIN enwiki_p.revision AS r #ON ct.ct_rev_id = r.rev_id WHERE ct_rev_id = 710408179; #select * from enwiki_p.recentchanges where rc_id = 807266372;
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