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bnWikiquote: All new articles the past two weeks
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Md. T Mahtab
New articles. on Bengali WikiQuote from the last few weeks. This is optimised for download as a wikitable and is even better when changed to a sortable wikitable by changing class="wikitable" to class="wikitable sortable" The latest version leverages the current date through the NOW() function and is set to examines new articles from the previous 2 weeks. On eqWQ for an interval of 14 days the on a hot run it its performant at circa 2 s elapsed, however tests indicate a likely step peformance dropoff and possible exponential increases thereafter if that interval is increased, and database load may be also be one of several variable factors of influence. Two lower dates must be the same and could be replaced by a 'YYYYMMDD000000' value if necessary. The effect of changing the upper date is undefined. Articles marked as #SheSaid are also noted.
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SELECT /*Not good enought yes - needs page & reivions into the query below*/ (SELECT '#SheSaid' WHERE EXISTS(SELECT 'ọ' FROM comment_revision JOIN revision x ON x.rev_comment_id=comment_id WHERE x.rev_page=page_id AND comment_text RLIKE '.*#[Ss]he[Ss]aid.*')) AS "ọ", CONCAT('[[',REPLACE(page_title,'_',' '),']]') AS "New articles in a period", IF(ISNULL(pp_value),pp_value,CONCAT('[[:d:',pp_value,']]')) AS "Wikidata item", actor_name AS "Creator", CONCAT( MID(r.rev_timestamp,1,4),'-',MID(r.rev_timestamp,5,2),'-',MID(r.rev_timestamp,7,2),' ', MID(r.rev_timestamp,9,2),':',MID(r.rev_timestamp,11,2),':',MID(r.rev_timestamp,13,2)) AS "Date created", (SELECT r2.rev_len FROM revision r2 WHERE r2.rev_id = (SELECT MAX(r3.rev_id) FROM revision r3 WHERE r3.rev_page=page_id ) ) AS "Length" FROM revision r JOIN page ON r.rev_page=page_id JOIN actor_revision ON r.rev_actor=actor_id LEFT JOIN page_props ON pp_page = page_id AND pp_propname = 'wikibase_item' WHERE rev_id in (SELECT rev_id FROM revision WHERE rev_page in (SELECT rev_page FROM revision LEFT JOIN page ON rev_page=page_id WHERE /* For specific dates used e.g. rev_timestamp BETWEEN '20231016000000' AND '20231030000000' */ rev_timestamp BETWEEN CONCAT(DATE_FORMAT(NOW()-INTERVAL 14 DAY,'%Y%m%d'),'000000') AND DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),'%Y%m%d%H%i%s') AND page_namespace = 0 AND page_is_redirect = 0 ) GROUP BY rev_page HAVING MIN(rev_timestamp) >= CONCAT(DATE_FORMAT(NOW()-INTERVAL 14 day,'%Y%m%d'),'000000') /* Must match lower interval above1 */ ) ORDER BY rev_timestamp ASC;
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