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A smart kitten
another test this time for self-removals
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select date_format(rc1.rc_timestamp, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') as 'timestamp', concat("User talk:", replace(page_title, "_", " ")) as 'user talk page', actor_name as 'this person', case when rc1.rc_params like '%"added";b:0;%' then 'removed from' when rc1.rc_params like '%"added";b:1;%' then 'added to' else 'unknown action' end as 'cat action', concat("Category:", replace(rc1.rc_title, "_", " ")) as 'category', rc1.rc_params, rc1.rc_namespace, rc1.*, page.*, rc2.* from recentchanges_userindex as rc1 inner join page on rc_cur_id = page_id inner join actor_recentchanges on actor_id = rc_actor -- if a user talk place has been added into awaiting-response, *any* edit to the page from the blocked user -- will remove it from that cat. -- so in this testing we're trying to include those that remove the UTP from awaiting-response; while not including those -- where it's also been moved to one of the other cats at the same time. left join recentchanges as rc2 on rc2.rc_this_oldid = rc1.rc_this_oldid and rc2.rc_type = 6 and rc2.rc_title regexp "^(Requests_for_unblock|Unblock_on_hold)$" and rc2.rc_params like '%"added";b:1;%' where rc1.rc_type = 6 and page_namespace = 3 and rc1.rc_title regexp "^(Requests_for_unblock(_awaiting_response_from_the_blocked_user)?|Unblock_on_hold)$" and replace(page_title, "_", " ") = actor_name and rc1.rc_params like '%"added";b:0;%' order by rc1.rc_timestamp desc;
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