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select user.user_name as 'username', user.user_editcount as 'edits', date_format( logging1.log_timestamp, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s' ) as 'block_timestamp', actor1.actor_name as 'block_admin', (logging1.log_action = 'reblock') as 'reblock?', (logging1.log_params like '%infinity%') as 'indef?', (logging1.log_params like '%"sitewide";b:1%') as 'sitewide?', (logging1.log_params like '%nocreate%') as 'ACB?', (logging1.log_params like '%nousertalk%') as 'TPD?', (logging1.log_params like '%noemail%') as 'EMD?', comment1.comment_text as 'block_comment', logging1.log_params as 'block_params', if( logging_subquery.log_action = 'unblock', date_format( logging_subquery.log_timestamp, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s' ), null ) as 'unblock_timestamp', if( logging_subquery.log_action = 'unblock', logging_subquery.actor_name, null ) as 'unblock_admin', if( logging_subquery.log_action = 'unblock', logging_subquery.comment_text, null ) as 'unblock_comment', if( logging_subquery.log_action = 'unblock', logging_subquery.log_params, null ) as 'unblock_params' -- logging1 fetches the most recent [re]block event -- that matches the given filters from logging_userindex as logging1 inner join actor_logging as actor1 on actor1.actor_id = logging1.log_actor inner join comment_logging as comment1 on comment1.comment_id = logging1.log_comment_id inner join user on user.user_name = replace(logging1.log_title, '_', ' ') -- left join on the block table -- so we can filter out users that are currently blocked left join block_target on block_target.bt_user = user.user_id left join block on block.bl_target = block_target.bt_id -- logging2 fetches the [un]block event that comes soonest -- after the event fetched by logging1 left join ( select log_timestamp, log_title, log_action, log_params, actor_name, comment_text from logging_userindex /* as logging2 */ inner join actor_logging on actor_id = log_actor inner join comment_logging on comment_id = log_comment_id where log_timestamp > '2024' and log_type = 'block' and log_action regexp '^(un)?block' ) as logging_subquery on user.user_name = replace(logging_subquery.log_title, '_', ' ') and logging_subquery.log_timestamp > logging1.log_timestamp -- filtering the [re]block event where logging1.log_timestamp > '2024' and block.bl_id is null and logging1.log_type = 'block' and logging1.log_action regexp '^(re)?block$' and logging1.log_params not like '%noautoblock%' and convert(comment1.comment_text using utf8) regexp 'spam|promo|advert' limit 10;
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