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It doesn't like MEDIAN(user_registration) when it's left as a BINARY(14); that's reasonable. It still doesn't like it if I cast it; that isn't. Answer: cast or do some other operation on the *result* of MEDIAN(). That's kind of nutty.
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WITH sub(user_id, user_registration) AS ( SELECT user_id, CAST(user_registration AS DOUBLE) FROM user LIMIT 10 ) SELECT *, MEDIAN(user_id) OVER() AS `MEDIAN(user_id) works` FROM sub; WITH sub(user_id, user_registration) AS ( SELECT user_id, CAST(user_registration AS DOUBLE) FROM user LIMIT 10 ) SELECT *, MEDIAN(user_registration) OVER() AS `MEDIAN(user_registration) doesn't` FROM sub; WITH sub(user_id, unixtime) AS ( SELECT user_id, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(user_registration) FROM user LIMIT 10 ) SELECT *, MEDIAN(unixtime) OVER() AS `Hey, unix_timestamp() is supposed to return an unsigned int!` FROM sub; WITH sub(user_id, unixtime) AS ( SELECT user_id, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(user_registration) / 10 FROM user LIMIT 10 ) SELECT *, MEDIAN(unixtime) OVER() AS `Maybe the numbers are just too big?` FROM sub; WITH sub(user_id, unixtime) AS ( SELECT user_id, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(user_registration) FROM user LIMIT 10 ) SELECT *, CAST(MEDIAN(unixtime) OVER() AS DOUBLE) AS `Resultset 3 again, casting the *result*` FROM sub;
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