-- page intersections between a reference actor and one or more other actors with page edits counts.
-- Edit counts for the other actors are summed e.g. editcounts for multiple ban evasion accounts
-- with a single sockmaster are summed.
-- reference account to be compared with one or more other accounts
set @x = 'Huldra';
-- set @y1 = '007Леони́д', @y2 = '11Fox11';
-- comma separated list of one or more other accounts - single quotes need to be escaped either by doubling or backslash
set @y = '
''007Леони́д'',''11Fox11'',''AnnieGrannyBunny'',''Astral Leap'',''AstuteRed'',
''Bob not snob'',''DoraExp'',''Double barrel pistol with both opposite direction'',''EnfantDeLaVille'',''Eostrix'',
''Free1Soul'',''Galamore'',''Geshem Bracha'',''Herpetogenesis'',''Hippeus'',
''I dream of Maple'',''Icewhiz'',''Jacinda01'',''JoeZ451'',''Just Prancing'',
''KasiaNL'',''LeftDreams'',''ManoelWild'',''Minden500'',''Molave Quinta'',
''Pikavoom'',''PRL Dreams'',''Proud Indian Arnab'',''Purski'',''RCatesby'',
''SCNBAH'',''Seggallion'',''Semper honestus'',''Smoking Ethel'',''SunSun753457'',
''Świst lodu'',''Szymon Frank'',''The 2nd coming of Purski'',''UnspokenPassion'',''Uppagus'',
''VikingDrummer'',''WhizICE'',''Терпение не ненавижу''
-- the query - single quotes need to be escaped either by doubling or backslash
set @q = concat('
with xrev as (
select ''x'' actor, ru.rev_page, count(*) editcount
from actor_user au
join revision_userindex ru on au.actor_id = ru.rev_actor and au.actor_name = ?
group by 2
yrev as (
select ''y'', ru.rev_page, count(*) editcount
from (
select actor_id
from actor_user
-- where actor_name in (?, ?)
where actor_name in (',
) ysocks
join revision_userindex ru on ysocks.actor_id = ru.rev_actor
group by 2
convert(replace(p.page_title,''_'','' '') using utf8mb4) page_title,
when p.page_namespace = 0 then ''(Main/Article)''
when p.page_namespace = 1 then ''Talk''
when p.page_namespace = 2 then ''User''
when p.page_namespace = 3 then ''User talk''
when p.page_namespace = 4 then ''Wikipedia''
when p.page_namespace = 5 then ''Wikipedia talk''
when p.page_namespace = 6 then ''File''
when p.page_namespace = 7 then ''File talk''
when p.page_namespace = 8 then ''MediaWiki''
when p.page_namespace = 9 then ''MediaWiki talk''
when p.page_namespace = 10 then ''Template''
when p.page_namespace = 11 then ''Template talk''
when p.page_namespace = 12 then ''Help''
when p.page_namespace = 13 then ''Help talk''
when p.page_namespace = 14 then ''Category''
when p.page_namespace = 15 then ''Category talk''
when p.page_namespace = 100 then ''Portal''
when p.page_namespace = 101 then ''Portal talk''
when p.page_namespace = 118 then ''Draft''
when p.page_namespace = 119 then ''Draft talk''
when p.page_namespace = 710 then ''TimedText''
when p.page_namespace = 711 then ''TimedText talk''
when p.page_namespace = 828 then ''Module''
when p.page_namespace = 829 then ''Module talk''
else null
end as namespace_desc,
case when p.page_is_redirect = 0 then ''No'' else ''Yes'' end page_is_redirect,
xrev.editcount ''ref actor editcount'',
yrev.editcount ''other actor(s) editcount summed''
from xrev
join yrev on xrev.rev_page = yrev.rev_page
join page p on xrev.rev_page = p.page_id
order by 2,3');
-- build the statement, execute, deallocate
prepare s from @q;
-- execute s using @x, @y1, @y2
execute s using @x;
deallocate prepare s;
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