with xrev as (
select 'x' actor, ru.rev_page, count(*) editcount
from actor_user au
join revision_userindex ru on au.actor_id = ru.rev_actor and au.actor_name = 'Huldra'
group by 2
yrev as (
select 'y', ru.rev_page, count(*) editcount
from (
select actor_id
from actor_user
where actor_name in (
'007Леони́д','11Fox11','AnnieGrannyBunny','Astral Leap','AstuteRed',
'Bob not snob','DoraExp','Double barrel pistol with both opposite direction','EnfantDeLaVille','Eostrix',
'Free1Soul','Galamore','Geshem Bracha','Herpetogenesis','Hippeus',
'I dream of Maple','Icewhiz','Jacinda01','JoeZ451','Just Prancing',
'KasiaNL','LeftDreams','ManoelWild','Minden500','Molave Quinta',
'Pikavoom','PRL Dreams','Proud Indian Arnab','Purski','RCatesby',
'SCNBAH','Seggallion','Semper honestus','Smoking Ethel','SunSun753457',
'Świst lodu','Szymon Frank','The 2nd coming of Purski','UnspokenPassion','Uppagus',
'VikingDrummer','WhizICE','Терпение не ненавижу'
-- where actor_id in ('11019','197346090','198247087','203948590','198565686','197770917','204797057','204673156','209810360','201279115','198475047','199252985','200357577','210047931','208309797','215783382','210204452','220726154','209705713','203551516','197894052','208547857','199365610','196837252','226547026','229124395','229848387','228430083','228906011','230454654','231014984','228952532','229784434','205298791','205500663','213714240','213715335','213713574','216361854','200821325','212191937','197376995','198100239','200435854','204944167','199086999','201273247','210364967')
) ysocks
join revision_userindex ru on ysocks.actor_id = ru.rev_actor
group by 2
convert(replace(p.page_title,'_',' ') using utf8mb4) page_title,
when p.page_namespace = 0 then '(Main/Article)'
when p.page_namespace = 1 then 'Talk'
when p.page_namespace = 2 then 'User'
when p.page_namespace = 3 then 'User talk'
when p.page_namespace = 4 then 'Wikipedia'
when p.page_namespace = 5 then 'Wikipedia talk'
when p.page_namespace = 6 then 'File'
when p.page_namespace = 7 then 'File talk'
when p.page_namespace = 8 then 'MediaWiki'
when p.page_namespace = 9 then 'MediaWiki talk'
when p.page_namespace = 10 then 'Template'
when p.page_namespace = 11 then 'Template talk'
when p.page_namespace = 12 then 'Help'
when p.page_namespace = 13 then 'Help talk'
when p.page_namespace = 14 then 'Category'
when p.page_namespace = 15 then 'Category talk'
when p.page_namespace = 100 then 'Portal'
when p.page_namespace = 101 then 'Portal talk'
when p.page_namespace = 118 then 'Draft'
when p.page_namespace = 119 then 'Draft talk'
when p.page_namespace = 710 then 'TimedText'
when p.page_namespace = 711 then 'TimedText talk'
when p.page_namespace = 828 then 'Module'
when p.page_namespace = 829 then 'Module talk'
else null
end as namespace_desc,
case when p.page_is_redirect = 0 then 'No' else 'Yes' end page_is_redirect,
xrev.editcount 'Huldra',
yrev.editcount 'Icewhiz+socks'
from xrev
join yrev on xrev.rev_page = yrev.rev_page
join page p on xrev.rev_page = p.page_id
order by 2,3
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