This query is marked as a draft This query has been published by Sean.hoyland.


convert(replace(p.page_title,'_',' ') using utf8mb4) page_title, 
-- p.page_namespace,
when p.page_namespace = 0 then '(Main/Article)'
when p.page_namespace = 1 then 'Talk'
when p.page_namespace = 2 then 'User'
when p.page_namespace = 3 then 'User talk'
when p.page_namespace = 4 then 'Wikipedia'
when p.page_namespace = 5 then 'Wikipedia talk'
when p.page_namespace = 6 then 'File'
when p.page_namespace = 7 then 'File talk'
when p.page_namespace = 8 then 'MediaWiki'
when p.page_namespace = 9 then 'MediaWiki talk'
when p.page_namespace = 10 then 'Template'
when p.page_namespace = 11 then 'Template talk'
when p.page_namespace = 12 then 'Help'
when p.page_namespace = 13 then 'Help talk'
when p.page_namespace = 14 then 'Category'
when p.page_namespace = 15 then 'Category talk'
when p.page_namespace = 100 then 'Portal'
when p.page_namespace = 101 then 'Portal talk'
when p.page_namespace = 118 then 'Draft'
when p.page_namespace = 119 then 'Draft talk'
when p.page_namespace = 710 then 'TimedText'
when p.page_namespace = 711 then 'TimedText talk'
when p.page_namespace = 828 then 'Module'
when p.page_namespace = 829 then 'Module talk'
else null
end as namespace_desc, 
case when p.page_is_redirect = 0 then 'No' else 'Yes' end page_is_redirect,
p2.rev_count 'Huldra+Icewhiz rev_count'
from page p
join (
select ru.rev_page, count(ru.rev_id) as rev_count
from revision_userindex ru
join actor_revision ar on ar.actor_id = ru.rev_actor
where ar.actor_name in ('Huldra', 'Icewhiz')
group by ru.rev_page
having count(distinct ar.actor_id) = 2
) p2
on p2.rev_page = p.page_id
order by 1,2,3
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