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Untitled query #86644
by IKhitron
This query is marked as a draft
This query has been published
by קיפודנחש.
-- change the following values per your needs:
set @pattern = 'סקיבידי'; -- string to look for in edit comment
set @lookback_days = 90; -- days in the past to start searching from. to search "all history" use ridiculously large value - e.g. 40000 which is more than 100 years
set @namespace = 0; -- namespace number. to search all namespaces set next param, @all_namespaces to 1 - in this case, this variable is ignored
-- to search on more than one namespace but less then all, write a more sophisticated query.
set @all_namespaces = 0;
-- do not change the code below, unless you know what you are doing
set @first_date = now() - interval @lookback_days day;
set @first_timestamp = date_format(@first_date, '%Y%m%d%h%i%s');
select concat('[[', replace(p.page_title, '_', ' '), ']]') as 'ערך',
Date(r.rev_timestamp) as 'תאריך',
a.actor_name as 'עורך',
concat('[[Special:diff/', r.rev_id, ']]') as 'הבדל',
if (exists(select 1 from change_tag ct where ct.ct_rev_id = r.rev_id and ct.ct_tag_id in (241, 234)), 'כן', 'לא') as 'שוחזרה',
c.comment_text as 'תקציר'
from revision r
join page p on r.rev_page = p.page_id
join actor a on r.rev_actor = a.actor_id
join comment c on r.rev_comment_id = c.comment_id
where (@all_namespaces = 1 or p.page_namespace = @namespace)
and r.rev_timestamp > @first_timestamp
and c.comment_text REGEXP @pattern > 0
-- and not exists(select 1 from logging where log_page = p.page_id and log_timestamp = r.rev_timestamp)
order by r.rev_timestamp desc
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