SELECT CONCAT('[[Special:Redirect/logid/',log_id,']]') AS id,
CAST(log_timestamp AS DATETIME) AS timestamp,
CONCAT('[[Template:', REPLACE(log_title, '_', ' '), ']]') AS title,
FROM logging_logindex
LEFT JOIN actor_logging ON actor_id = log_actor
LEFT JOIN comment_logging ON comment_id = log_comment_id
WHERE log_action = 'delete'
AND log_type = 'delete'
AND log_namespace = 10 -- Template:
AND log_title LIKE '%/%'
AND log_title NOT LIKE '%/doc'
AND comment_text NOT LIKE '%[[Wikipedia:Templates for discussion/Log/2024%'
AND comment_text NOT LIKE '%[[WP:CSD#G8|G8]]%'
AND log_timestamp >= '2024';
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