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Enwiki edits by edit count for 2024-09-14
by Anomie
This query is marked as a draft
This query has been published
by Anomie.
CASE WHEN user_editcount IS NULL THEN 'IP'
WHEN user_editcount <= 10 THEN '0–10'
WHEN user_editcount <= 100 THEN '11–100'
WHEN user_editcount <= 1000 THEN '101–1000'
WHEN user_editcount <= 10000 THEN '1001–10000'
WHEN user_editcount <= 100000 THEN '10001–100000'
WHEN user_editcount <= 1000000 THEN '100001–1000000'
ELSE '>1000000'
END as bucket,
COUNT(DISTINCT actor_id) AS editors,
COUNT(*) AS edits,
COUNT(*) / COUNT(DISTINCT actor_id) AS edits_per_editor,
COUNT(*) / COUNT(DISTINCT actor_id) / 14 AS edits_per_editor_per_day
JOIN actor_revision ON rev_actor = actor_id
LEFT JOIN user ON actor_user = user_id
rev_timestamp >= '20240901000000' AND rev_timestamp < '20240915000000'
GROUP BY bucket
ORDER BY MAX(COALESCE(user_editcount,0));
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