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Changes in the last 30 days to any page it currently transcluded by [[Ships of ancient Rome]] (which currently transcludes itself). For [[WP:VPT#Tool request: What changed recently?]] circa 31 August 2024.
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SET @source_page_namespace = 0; SET @source_page_title = 'Ships of ancient Rome'; WITH ns(ns_n, ns_s) AS (VALUES (-2, 'Media:'), (-1, 'Special:'), (0, ''), (1, 'Talk:'), (2, 'User:'), (3, 'User talk:'), (4, 'Wikipedia:'), (5, 'Wikipedia talk:'), (6, ':File:'), (7, 'File talk:'), (8, 'MediaWiki:'), (9, 'MediaWiki talk:'), (10, 'Template:'), (11, 'Template talk:'), (12, 'Help:'), (13, 'Help talk:'), (14, ':Category:'), (15, 'Category talk:'), (100, 'Portal:'), (101, 'Portal talk:'), (118, 'Draft:'), (119, 'Draft talk:'), (710, 'TimedText:'), (711, 'TimedText talk:'), (828, 'Module:'), (829, 'Module talk:'), (2300, 'Gadget:'), (2301, 'Gadget talk:'), (2302, 'Gadget definition:'), (2303, 'Gadget definition talk:')) SELECT CAST(rc_timestamp AS DATETIME) AS timestamp, actor_name, CONCAT(COALESCE(ns_s, '?:'), REPLACE(rc_title, '_', ' ')) AS title, rc_minor, rc_bot, CONCAT('Special:Diff/', rc_this_oldid) AS diff, rc_new_len - rc_old_len AS delta, comment_text FROM page JOIN templatelinks ON tl_from = page_id JOIN linktarget ON lt_id = tl_target_id JOIN recentchanges ON rc_namespace = lt_namespace AND rc_title = lt_title LEFT JOIN ns ON ns_n = rc_namespace LEFT JOIN actor_recentchanges ON actor_id = rc_actor LEFT JOIN comment_recentchanges ON comment_id = rc_comment_id WHERE page_namespace = @source_page_namespace AND page_title = REPLACE(@source_page_title, ' ', '_') AND rc_type IN (0, 1) -- create new page/edit existing page ORDER BY rc_timestamp DESC;
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