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/* Executed in 135.04 seconds as of Wed, 28 Aug 2024 12:17:23 UTC: 2426 rows */ SELECT page_title as category, cat_pages as cat_size, cat_content, page_len as text_size, actor_name as last_user, left(rev_timestamp,12) as last_edit, length(page_title) as len_name, page_is_new as is_new, "" as wikidata, page_id, DATEDIFF(NOW(),rev_timestamp) as age FROM revision JOIN actor ON rev_actor = actor_id JOIN ( SELECT page_title, cat_pages, if (cat_pages = 0, "-", if (cat_pages = cat_subcats, "S", if(cat_pages = cat_files, "F", "S+F"))) as cat_content, page_len, page_is_new, page_id FROM category JOIN ( SELECT page_title, page_id, page_len, page_is_new, page_touched, COUNT(cl2.cl_to) as ct FROM categorylinks as cl1, page, categorylinks as cl2 WHERE cl1.cl_to = 'Uses_of_Wikidata_Infobox_with_no_item' AND cl1.cl_type = 'subcat' AND cl1.cl_from = page_id AND page_namespace = 14 AND page_is_redirect = 0 AND cl2.cl_from = page_id AND cl2.cl_type = "subcat" GROUP BY page_title, page_id, page_len,page_is_new, page_touched HAVING ct = 1 ) AS pagetmp ON cat_title = page_title ) AS pagetmp ON rev_page = pagetmp.page_id AND rev_timestamp = ( SELECT MAX(rev_timestamp) FROM revision AS last WHERE last.rev_page = pagetmp.page_id ) ORDER BY page_id DESC
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