Fork of
Untitled query #83909
by Elph
This query is marked as a draft
This query has been published
by Nehaoua.
USE arwiki_p;
WITH low_edit_users AS (
SELECT actor_id, actor_name, actor_user, COUNT(*) as total_edits
FROM revision
JOIN actor ON revision.rev_actor = actor.actor_id
WHERE actor.actor_user IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY actor_id, actor_name, actor_user
SELECT a.actor_name AS username, u.user_registration AS registration_date, leu.total_edits AS total_edits,
GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT p.page_title SEPARATOR ', ') AS articles, COUNT(r.rev_id) AS daily_edits
FROM revision r
JOIN actor a ON r.rev_actor = a.actor_id
JOIN user u ON a.actor_user = u.user_id
JOIN page p ON r.rev_page = p.page_id
JOIN low_edit_users leu ON r.rev_actor = leu.actor_id
WHERE r.rev_timestamp BETWEEN '20240523000000' AND '20240523235959'
AND p.page_namespace = 0
GROUP BY a.actor_name, u.user_registration, leu.total_edits
ORDER BY daily_edits DESC, username
LIMIT 500;
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