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Rough count of Elli's patrols. This is almost certainly an undercount, since it only counts patrols of a given page title once, even if it's recreated and patrolled multiple times; but counting each patrol action separately isn't right either, since they sometimes bunch up. Also, I just lifted the log type/actions from query 83430, since that was the one I was critiquing; I have relatively little confidence that they're really what they say on the tin. patrol/patrol isn't the same thing as pagetriage-curation/reviewed, but it isn't exactly different either, and its meaning seems to have changed over time. It at least *used* to be what was marked on [[Special:NewPages]] before [[Special:NewPagesFeed]] existed. I... think... it's still at least what happens when you click [Mark this page as patrolled], as frequently seen on newly-created User talk pages.
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SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT log_namespace, log_title) AS 'all patrols', COUNT(DISTINCT log_namespace, log_title, IF(log_namespace = 0, 1, NULL)) AS 'mainspace patrols' FROM logging_userindex JOIN actor_logging ON log_actor = actor_id WHERE actor_name='Elli' AND ((log_type = 'patrol' AND log_action = 'patrol') OR (log_type = 'pagetriage-curation' AND log_action in ('reviewed', 'reviewed-article', 'reviewed-redirect')));
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