SELECT CONCAT('Special:Diff/', rc_this_oldid) as diff,
CAST(rc_timestamp AS DATETIME),
rc_new_len - rc_old_len AS delta,
user_editcount AS '#edits',
GROUP_CONCAT(ctd_name) AS tags
FROM recentchanges
JOIN actor_recentchanges ON actor_id = rc_actor
LEFT JOIN comment_recentchanges ON comment_id = rc_comment_id
LEFT JOIN change_tag ON ct_rc_id = rc_id
LEFT JOIN change_tag_def ON ctd_id = ct_tag_id
LEFT JOIN user ON user_id = actor_user
WHERE rc_namespace = 10
AND rc_title LIKE '%/doc'
AND (actor_user IS NULL OR user_editcount < 10)
AND rc_source != 'wb' -- a wikidata edit
GROUP BY rc_id
ORDER BY rc_timestamp DESC;
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