WITH ns(ns_n, ns_s) AS (VALUES (-2, 'Media:'), (-1, 'Special:'), (0, ''), (1, 'Talk:'), (2, 'User:'), (3, 'User talk:'), (4,
'Wikipedia:'), (5, 'Wikipedia talk:'), (6, ':File:'), (7, 'File talk:'), (8, 'MediaWiki:'), (9, 'MediaWiki talk:'), (10, 'Template:'),
(11, 'Template talk:'), (12, 'Help:'), (13, 'Help talk:'), (14, ':Category:'), (15, 'Category talk:'), (100, 'Portal:'), (101,
'Portal talk:'), (118, 'Draft:'), (119, 'Draft talk:'), (710, 'TimedText:'), (711, 'TimedText talk:'), (828, 'Module:'), (829,
'Module talk:'), (2300, 'Gadget:'), (2301, 'Gadget talk:'), (2302, 'Gadget definition:'), (2303, 'Gadget definition talk:'))
SELECT page_title, ns_s, rd_title
FROM page
LEFT JOIN redirect ON rd_from = page_id
LEFT JOIN ns ON ns_n = rd_namespace
WHERE page_namespace = 0
AND page_title LIKE 'T:%'
AND (rd_namespace != 10 OR rd_namespace IS NULL);
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