SET @one_week = DATE_FORMAT(DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL -1 WEEK), '%Y%m%d%H%i%s');
SET @six_months = DATE_FORMAT(DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL -6 MONTH), '%Y%m%d%H%i%s');
SELECT actor_name
FROM revision_userindex
JOIN page ON rev_page = page_id AND page_namespace IN (2, 118)
JOIN comment_revision ON comment_id = rev_comment_id AND (comment_text LIKE 'Declining submission:%' OR comment_text LIKE 'Rejecting submission:%' OR comment_text LIKE '%Publishing accepted%')
JOIN actor_revision ON actor_id = rev_actor
WHERE rev_actor IN
FROM recentchanges
JOIN comment_recentchanges ON comment_id = rc_comment_id AND (comment_text LIKE 'Declining submission:%' OR comment_text LIKE 'Rejecting submission:%' OR comment_text LIKE '%Publishing accepted%')
WHERE rc_namespace IN (2, 118)
AND rc_timestamp >= @one_week
AND rev_timestamp >= '200912110419' -- first revision of User:Timotheus_Canens/afchelper4.js, on which AFCH is based
GROUP BY rev_actor
HAVING SUM(rev_timestamp < @six_months) = 0 AND SUM(rev_timestamp < @one_week) < 25 AND COUNT(*) >= 25;
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