SELECT user_editcount, user_name, user_registration
FROM user
-- more than 8000 edits
WHERE user_editcount > 10000
-- not already an admin
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM user_groups WHERE ug_user = user_id AND ug_group = 'sysop' )
-- not a bot
-- MariaDB documentation says that LIKE is case insensitive, but my testing on Quarry reveals it to be case sensitive here
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM user_groups WHERE ug_user = user_id AND ug_group = 'bot' )
AND LOWER(user_name) NOT LIKE '%bot'
AND LOWER(user_name) NOT LIKE '%bot %'
-- never blocked
-- need log_namespace = 2 for indexing reasons. log_namespace and log_title are indexed together. else the query times out.
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM logging_logindex WHERE log_type = 'block' AND log_action = 'block' AND log_namespace = 2
AND log_title = REPLACE(user_name, ' ', '_'))
-- account age 2+ years
AND user_registration < DATE_FORMAT(DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL -2 YEAR), "%Y%m%d%H%i%s")
-- edited in the last 30 days
-- checking >200 edits in last 30 days was too slow
AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM recentchanges JOIN actor ON rc_actor = actor_id WHERE actor_user = user_id)
-- RFA page does not exist yet (no previous RFAs)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM page WHERE page_namespace = 4 AND page_title = CONCAT('Requests_for_adminship/', REPLACE(user_name, ' ', '_')))
-- user has one of the good article templates on their user page
AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM categorylinks WHERE cl_to = 'Wikipedia_Good_Article_contributors' AND cl_from =
(SELECT page_id FROM page WHERE page_namespace = 2 AND page_title = REPLACE(user_name, ' ', '_')))
-- advanced perms such as NPR, TE, etc??
ORDER BY user_editcount DESC
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