SELECT actor_name AS `Reviewer`, year, month, count(*) as reviews
SELECT distinct log_actor, log_page, page_is_redirect, MONTH(log_timestamp) as month, YEAR(log_timestamp) as year
FROM logging_userindex
JOIN page ON page_title = log_title AND page_namespace = log_namespace
((log_type = "patrol" AND log_action = "patrol") OR
(log_type = "pagetriage-curation" AND log_action in ("reviewed", "reviewed-article")))
AND log_namespace = 0
and year(log_timestamp) >= 2024
) logtemp
JOIN actor ON actor_id = log_actor
JOIN user ON actor_user = user_id
and logtemp.page_is_redirect = 0
GROUP BY reviewer, year, month
having reviews >= 30;
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