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This query focuses on the categorisation of articles in Telugu Wikipedia and retrieves articles with the highest number of categories. It can be useful for identifying articles that are extensively categorised, providing insights into how topics are organised within the encyclopedia. You can adjust the LIMIT value to retrieve more or fewer results based on your interests.
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-- Select the article title and the count of categories associated with each article. SELECT page.page_title AS Article_Title, COUNT(cl_to) AS Category_Count -- Retrieve data from the following tables and join them together to link articles with their categories. FROM categorylinks JOIN page ON categorylinks.cl_from = page.page_id -- Apply a filter to only include articles from the main namespace (namespace 0). WHERE page.page_namespace = 0 -- Group the results by the article title to count categories for each article. GROUP BY page_title -- Sort the results in descending order based on the number of categories associated with each article. ORDER BY Category_Count DESC -- Limit the results to the top 100 articles with the most categories. LIMIT 100;
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