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Counts of all registered users, and all users total including ips, who've edited any page in Wikipedia: or Wikipedia talk: that starts with "Village pump". Includes various subpages and the specific page [[WP:Village pump archive 2004-09-26]] (which contains the attribution history of all edits to [[WP:Village pump]] before that date), but otherwise excludes pages containing "rchive". Pages that are currently redirects are deliberately included. For [[WP:RAQ#Village pump participation]] circa 23 October 2023.
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SELECT CONCAT(CASE page_namespace WHEN 4 THEN 'WP:' ELSE 'WT:' END, page_title) FROM page WHERE page_namespace IN (4, 5) AND page_title LIKE 'Village\_pump%' AND (page_title NOT LIKE '%rchive%' -- exclude archives, but not all subpages OR page_title = 'Village_pump_archive_2004-09-26'); -- and include this page, which has attribution history SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT actor_user) AS 'logged-in', COUNT(DISTINCT actor_id) AS 'all' FROM revision JOIN page ON page_id = rev_page JOIN actor_revision ON actor_id = rev_actor WHERE page_namespace IN (4, 5) AND page_title LIKE 'Village\_pump%' AND (page_title NOT LIKE '%rchive%' -- exclude archives, but not all subpages OR page_title = 'Village_pump_archive_2004-09-26');
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