Fork of Attempted edits to user pages of blocked users by Uhai
This query is marked as a draft This query has been published by EqJjgOa8rVvsRmZL.


WITH sock_template AS (
  SELECT tl.tl_from FROM
  enwiki_p.templatelinks tl
  WHERE tl.tl_target_id IN (32197, 277052, 282063, 115252, 1968835)
REPLACE(afl.afl_user_text, ' ', '_') AS 'Offending user',
afl.afl_title AS 'Blocked user',
CASE WHEN p.page_id IN (SELECT tl_from FROM sock_template) THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END AS 'Blocked user tagged sock?',
CASE WHEN ipb2.ipb_expiry = 'infinity' THEN 'Indef' ELSE CONCAT(ipb2.ipb_timestamp, ' to ', ipb2.ipb_expiry) END AS 'Blocked user block time',
TIMESTAMP(MAX(afl.afl_timestamp)) AS 'Most recent interaction'
FROM abuse_filter_log afl
INNER JOIN user u ON u.user_name = REPLACE(afl.afl_title, '_', ' ')
LEFT JOIN ipblocks ipb ON ipb.ipb_user = afl.afl_user -- Attempt to join offending user and later check if ID is null to verify they're not blocked
INNER JOIN ipblocks ipb2 ON ipb2.ipb_user = u.user_id -- Attempt to join targeted user to ensure they're blocked
INNER JOIN page p ON p.page_title = afl.afl_title AND p.page_namespace = 2
WHERE afl.afl_namespace = 2
AND afl.afl_filter_id = 803
AND afl.afl_user != 0
AND ipb.ipb_user IS NULL
AND CASE WHEN ipb2.ipb_expiry != 'infinity' THEN afl.afl_timestamp BETWEEN ipb2.ipb_timestamp AND ipb2.ipb_expiry ELSE TRUE END
GROUP BY afl.afl_user_text, afl.afl_title
-- HAVING MAX(afl.afl_timestamp) > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 7 DAY)
ORDER BY MAX(afl.afl_timestamp) DESC
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