select concat(_utf8'# [[',replace(`a`.`pl_title`,_utf8'_',_utf8' '),_utf8']] ([[:Specialus:Whatlinkshere/',
replace(`a`.`pl_title`,_utf8'_',_utf8' '),_utf8'|',`a`.`kiekis`,_utf8' nuorodos]])') AS `title`
from (select `p`.`pl_title` AS `pl_title`,count(1) AS `kiekis`
from `pagelinks` `p`
where ((exists(select 1 AS `1`
from `page` `pg`
where ((`p`.`pl_namespace` = `pg`.`page_namespace`)
and (`p`.`pl_title` = `pg`.`page_title`))))
and (`p`.`pl_namespace` = 0))
group by `p`.`pl_namespace`,`p`.`pl_title`) `a`
where (`a`.`kiekis` > 10) order by `a`.`kiekis` desc
LIMIT 1000;
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