USE arwiki_p;
SET @start_date = '20221201000000';
SET @end_date = '20230101000000';
SET @cumule_Edit=0;
SET @rank=0;
/* SELECT @rank:=@rank+1 AS "المركز", s.* */
SELECT @cumule_Edit:=@cumule_Edit + edit_count AS "تراكم", s.*
SELECT CONCAT("[[مستخدم:",actor_name,"|",actor_name,"]]") AS user_name, SUM(CAST(rev.rev_len as signed)-CAST(parent.rev_len as signed)) AS byte_count, COUNT(rev.rev_id) as edit_count
FROM revision rev
INNER JOIN actor on rev.rev_actor = actor_id
JOIN revision parent
ON rev.rev_parent_id = parent.rev_id
INNER JOIN comment_revision on rev.rev_comment_id = comment_id
JOIN page
ON page_id = parent.rev_page
WHERE page_namespace = 0
and comment_text not like "%رجوع%"
and comment_text not like "%استرجاع%"
AND rev.rev_timestamp between @start_date and @end_date
AND parent.rev_timestamp between @start_date and @end_date
GROUP BY actor_name
having byte_count > 0
ORDER BY byte_count DESC
) s;
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