SELECT page_title AS Article, rev_id AS "Special:Diff/", rev_timestamp AS Timestamp, actor_name AS IP, comment_text AS "Edit summary"
FROM revision
JOIN `comment` ON comment_id = rev_comment_id AND comment_text REGEXP "English" AND comment_text REGEXP "spelling"
JOIN actor ON actor_id = rev_actor AND actor_user IS NULL
JOIN page ON page_id = rev_page AND page_namespace = 0
LEFT JOIN change_tag ON ct_rev_id = rev_id AND ct_tag_id = 590 /* mw-reverted */
WHERE rev_timestamp >= REPLACE(CURDATE() - INTERVAL 1 MONTH, "-", "") AND ct_tag_id IS NULL
AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM categorylinks WHERE cl_from = page_id AND cl_type = "page" AND cl_to LIKE "%New_Zealand%")
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