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SET SESSION TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS rep1; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS rep2; -- First, capture all potentially interesting stub templates CREATE TABLE rep1 AS SELECT page_title, page_is_redirect FROM WHERE page_namespace = 10 AND page_title LIKE '%-stub' AND page_is_redirect = 0; -- Add in any templates that redirect to one of these. ALTER TABLE rep1 ADD COLUMN redir varbinary(255); INSERT INTO rep1 SELECT p.page_title, p.page_is_redirect, r.page_title FROM p INNER JOIN enwiki_p.redirect ON rd_from = p.page_id INNER JOIN rep1 r ON rd_namespace = 10 AND rd_title = r.page_title WHERE p.page_namespace = 10 AND p.page_is_redirect = 1 AND r.page_is_redirect = 0; -- Now count how many times each is transcluded alter table rep1 add column trans int(8); -- Process in chunks - repeat as necessary UPDATE rep1 SET trans = ( SELECT count(*) FROM enwiki_p.templatelinks WHERE tl_namespace = 10 AND tl_title = page_title ) WHERE trans IS NULL LIMIT 5000; alter table rep1 add index( redir ); -- Now we need to credit transclusions of redirects to -- the targets of those redirects UPDATE rep1 r1 INNER JOIN rep1 r2 ON r1.page_title = r2.redir SET r1.trans = r1.trans + r2.trans WHERE r1.page_is_redirect = 0 AND r2.page_is_redirect = 1; -- Now find categories of interest CREATE table rep2 AS SELECT page_id, page_title FROM INNER JOIN enwiki_p.templatelinks ON tl_from = page_id WHERE tl_namespace = 10 AND tl_title = "Stub_category" AND page_namespace = 14; REPLACE INTO rep2 SELECT page_id, page_title FROM INNER JOIN enwiki_p.templatelinks ON tl_from = page_id WHERE tl_namespace = 10 AND tl_title = "Parent-only_stub_category" AND page_namespace = 14; REPLACE INTO rep2 SELECT page_id, page_title FROM INNER JOIN enwiki_p.templatelinks ON tl_from = page_id WHERE tl_namespace = 10 AND tl_title = "Regional_stub_category" AND page_namespace = 14; -- Index these ALTER TABLE rep2 ADD INDEX( page_id ); ALTER TABLE rep1 ADD INDEX ( page_title ); -- Now count how many time each interesting template is linked from an interesting category ALTER TABLE rep1 ADD COLUMN cats int(8); -- Process in chunks - repeat as necessary UPDATE rep1 r1 SET cats = ( SELECT count(*) FROM enwiki_p.pagelinks l INNER JOIN rep2 r2 ON l.pl_from = r2.page_id WHERE l.pl_namespace = 10 AND l.pl_title = r1.page_title ) WHERE Cats IS NULL LIMIT 5000; -- Now we need to credit any category links to redirects to -- the targets of those redirects UPDATE rep1 r1 INNER JOIN rep1 r2 ON r1.page_title = r2.redir SET r1.cats = r1.cats + r2.cats WHERE r1.page_is_redirect = 0 AND r2.page_is_redirect = 1; -- Test the results SELECT count(*) FROM rep1 WHERE page_is_redirect = 0 AND cats = 0 AND trans >= 60; -- Generate some output SELECT CONCAT( '*{{tl|', rep1.page_title, '}} - ', trans, ' transclusions' ) FROM rep1 WHERE page_is_redirect = 0 AND cats = 0 AND trans >= 50;
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