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# Adapted from "replicating Xtools stuff in a normal query", 29 Dec 2021. SELECT rev_timestamp, page_title #SELECT COUNT(*) AS revisions, COUNT(case rev_minor_edit when 1 then 1 else null end) AS minor_edits, #COUNT(DISTINCT rev_actor) AS editors, MIN(rev_timestamp) AS first_timestamp, #MIN(rev_id) AS first_rev, MAX(rev_timestamp) AS last_timestamp, #MAX(rev_id) AS last_rev, actor_name AS page_author FROM revision INNER JOIN page ON revision.rev_page = page.page_id WHERE page_namespace = "127" AND page_title NOT LIKE "Infobox_military_conflict" AND page_title NOT LIKE "Location_map%" AND page_title NOT LIKE "Sidebar%" # Exclude these, as they were moved to the Module talk namespace from much earlierly created templates ORDER BY rev_timestamp ASC LIMIT 1000; # 0/1 main 2/3 user 4/5 wp 6/7 file 8/9 mediawiki 10/11 template # 12/13 help 14/15 cat 100/101 portal 118/119 draft 710/711 timedtext 828/829 module # 2300/2301 gadget 2302/2303 g. def -1 special -2 media # Runs in like 13 seconds -- what da? #SELECT COUNT(*) AS revisions, COUNT(DISTINCT rev_actor) AS editors, MIN(rev_timestamp) AS first_timestamp, rev_actor, rev_id #FROM revision #WHERE rev_page = 16601866; # Runs in like 0.09 seconds. #SELECT page_id FROM page WHERE page_title = "Skon" AND page_namespace = "0"; #SELECT COUNT(*) FROM revision WHERE rev_page = 16601866;
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