WITH groups AS (
SELECT ug_user, GROUP_CONCAT(ug_group) AS memberships
FROM user_groups
GROUP BY ug_user)
actor.actor_name AS Kullanıcı,
memberships AS KullanıcıGrubu,
COUNT(rev_id) AS DegisiklikSayisi
FROM revision LEFT JOIN actor ON (revision.rev_actor = actor.actor_id)
LEFT JOIN groups ON (actor.actor_user = groups.ug_user)
-- Lọc theo thời gian
WHERE DATEDIFF(CURDATE(), rev_timestamp) < 30
-- Lọc ra IP
AND actor.actor_user IS NOT NULL
-- Lọc ra bot
AND (groups.memberships IS NULL OR LOCATE('bot', memberships) = 0)
-- Group by user.
GROUP BY Kullanıcı
-- Giới hạn 200 người có số sửa đổi cao nhất
ORDER BY DegisiklikSayisi DESC
LIMIT 200;
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