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Inactive talkpages of non-blocked inactive IPs
ಮಲ್ನಾಡಾಚ್ ಕೊಂಕ್ಣೊ
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ಮಲ್ನಾಡಾಚ್ ಕೊಂಕ್ಣೊ
IP talkpages that have not been edited in the last 5 years, the IP is not currently blocked and there have been no edits from that IP in the last 5 years. Also checks for range blocks
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select ROW_NUMBER() OVER(order by page_namespace asc, page_title asc) num, -- get row number CONCAT('[[', case when page_namespace = 2303 then 'Gadget definition talk:' when page_namespace = 2302 then 'Gadget definition:' when page_namespace = 2301 then 'Gadget talk:' when page_namespace = 2300 then 'Gadget:' when page_namespace = 829 then 'Module talk:' when page_namespace = 828 then 'Module:' when page_namespace = 710 then 'TimedText:' when page_namespace = 711 then 'TimedText talk:' when page_namespace = 119 then 'Draft talk:' when page_namespace = 118 then 'Draft:' when page_namespace = 101 then 'Portal talk:' when page_namespace = 100 then 'Portal:' when page_namespace = 15 then 'Category talk:' when page_namespace = 14 then 'Category:' when page_namespace = 13 then 'Help talk:' when page_namespace = 12 then 'Help:' when page_namespace = 11 then 'Template talk:' when page_namespace = 10 then 'Template:' when page_namespace = 9 then 'MediaWiki talk:' when page_namespace = 8 then 'MediaWiki:' when page_namespace = 7 then 'File talk:' when page_namespace = 6 then 'File:' when page_namespace = 5 then 'Wikipedia talk:' when page_namespace = 4 then 'Wikipedia:' when page_namespace = 3 then 'User talk:' when page_namespace = 2 then ':User:' when page_namespace = 1 then 'Talk:' when page_namespace = 0 then '' end, replace(page_title, '_', ' '), ']]') as 'Page title' -- Format as wikilink, replace _ with space from linter join page on page_id = linter_page where page_namespace=3 -- filter by namespace and linter_cat=2 -- filter obsolete html tag errors and linter_params like '%"center"%' -- filter center tag errors group by page_id -- filter duplicate pages with multiple center tag errors having count(*) = 2 -- filter by center tag error count order by page_namespace asc, page_title asc; -- arrange by namespace and title in asceding order
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