select CONCAT('[[User talk:', page_title, ']]') as 'IP talkpage' -- format as wikilink so that it can be read by AWB
from page
join templatelinks on page_id = tl_from -- link with templatelinks table
join linktarget on tl_target_id = lt_id -- link with linktarget table
join revision on rev_id = page_latest and rev_timestamp < '20180110' -- latest page edit is older than the given date
join actor on actor_user is null and actor_name = page_title -- IP with User talk page
where lt_title = 'Red' -- name of the template being transcluded
and lt_namespace = 10 -- filter template namespace
and tl_from_namespace = 3 -- being transcluded in User talk namespace
and not exists (select 1 -- Check that the IP is not blocked
from ipblocks
where ipb_user = 0 -- Blocked user is an IP
and HEX(INET6_ATON(page_title)) between ipb_range_start and ipb_range_end) -- Hex of IP address to check for range blocks
and not exists (select 1 -- Check that the IP is inactive
from revision_userindex
where rev_actor = actor_id -- Choose same IP user as above
and rev_timestamp >= '20180110') -- not edited since this timestamp
-- order by page_title asc -- get pages in ascending order
limit 500;
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