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Convoluted exist queries mean: For each page: Find the lowest tp:tag marked revision such that no later revision (ignoring page moves) is not tp:tag marked
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select page_id, page_namespace, page_title, page_latest, rt_type, (select min(rt_revision) from revtag where rt_page=page_id and rt_type="tp:tag" and not exists (select 1 from revision where rev_page=page_id and rev_id > rt_revision and (select comment_text from comment_revision where comment_id=rev_comment_id) not like "%moved page%to%" and not exists (select 1 from revtag where rt_revision=rev_id and rt_type="tp:tag"))) as "Oldest" from page join revtag on rt_page=page_id where rt_type="tp:tag" and not exists (select 1 from revtag where rt_page=page_id and rt_type="tp:mark") and rt_revision=page_latest and page_namespace != 2 and not exists (select 1 from categorylinks where cl_from=page_id and cl_to="Looks_useless") order by (select min(rt_revision) from revtag where rt_page=page_id and rt_type="tp:tag" and not exists (select 1 from revision where rev_page=page_id and rev_id > rt_revision and (select comment_text from comment_revision where comment_id=rev_comment_id) not like "%moved page%to%" and not exists (select 1 from revtag where rt_revision=rev_id and rt_type="tp:tag")));
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