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AfC review counts, July 2021 elimination drive
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AfC count, July 2021. Including links
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use enwiki_p; -- make group_concat do a crude truncation of content after a certain number of characters SET SESSION group_concat_max_len = 2000; select ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY reviews DESC) AS rank, count(rc_id) as "reviews (including comments)", -- too confusing? count(CASE WHEN comment_text like "Commenting on submission%" then NULL ELSE 1 END) as reviews, concat("[[User:", actor_name, "|", actor_name, "]]") as "Username", SUM(comment_text like "%Publishing accepted%") as "accepted", SUM(comment_text like "Declining submission:%") as "declined", SUM(comment_text like "Rejecting submission:%") as "rejected", SUM(comment_text like "Commenting on submission%") as "commented on", concat(round(SUM(comment_text like "%Publishing accepted%") * 100 / count(rc_id), 1), "%") as "accept %", concat(round(SUM(comment_text like "Declining submission:%") * 100 / count(rc_id), 1), "%") as "decline %", concat(round(SUM(comment_text like "Rejecting submission:%") * 100 / count(rc_id), 1), "%") as "reject %", concat(round(SUM(comment_text like "Commenting on submission%") * 100 / count(rc_id), 1), "%") as "comment %", GROUP_CONCAT(CASE WHEN rc_namespace = 118 then concat(" [[Draft:", rc_title, "|", rc_title, "]]") else NULL END) as "links" from recentchanges_userindex left join actor on rc_actor = actor_id left join comment on rc_comment_id = comment_id where (rc_namespace = 118 or rc_namespace = 2) and (comment_text like "Commenting on submission%" or comment_text like "Declining submission:%" or comment_text like "Rejecting submission:%" or comment_text like "%Publishing accepted%") and MONTH(rc_timestamp) = MONTH(STR_TO_DATE('2021-07-31', '%Y-%m-%d')) and actor_name in ('15', '2pou', '333-blue', '78.26', 'A.A Prinon', 'AntanO', 'AviationFreak', 'Bilorv', 'Bogger', 'Bradv', 'CaptainEek', 'Chenzw', 'Chess', 'Chris troutman', 'Clarityfiend', 'Clearfrienda', 'Curb Safe Charmer', 'Curbon7', 'Daask', 'DanCherek', 'Deb', 'Devonian Wombat', 'Doric Loon', 'DoubleGrazing', 'Dreamy Jazz', 'EDG 543', 'Enterprisey', 'Eternal Shadow', 'Etzedek24', 'Extraordinary Writ', 'G. Moore', 'GRuban', 'Godsy', 'Goldsztajn', 'Grand''mere Eugene', 'Hatchens', 'HighKing', 'HitroMilanese', 'Innisfree987', 'JSFarman', 'JavaHurricane', 'K.e.coffman', 'Kaizenify', 'KylieTastic', 'Laplorfill', 'Locomotive207', 'M-Mustapha', 'Mcguy15', 'Modern Major General', 'Modussiccandi', 'MurielMary', 'Nearlyevil665', 'Nightenbelle', 'Novem Linguae', 'Nyanardsan', 'PK650', 'Pahunkat', 'Pbrks', 'Pi', 'ProClasher97', 'Qwerfjkl', 'Robert McClenon', 'Robertsky', 'Sam Sailor', 'Scorpions13256', 'Sionk', 'Stuartyeates', 'TheBirdsShedTears', 'TheWikiholic', 'Theroadislong', 'Timtrent', 'ToBeFree', 'Tol', 'Trillfendi', 'Umakant Bhalerao', 'UnitedStatesian', 'Usedtobecool', 'Worldbruce', 'Yeeno', 'Yitzilitt', 'ZI Jony', 'Zeromonk') group by rc_actor;
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