use lvwiki_p;
page_title, "P625", concat('@',gt_lat,'/',gt_lon), "S143", "Q728945"
# page_title, gt_lat, gt_lon, gt_type, cl_to
FROM page
JOIN geo_tags ON gt_page_id = page_id
JOIN categorylinks ON cl_from = page_id
WHERE cl_to = "Koordinātas,_kas_nav_Vikidatos" and (exists (SELECT *
FROM categorylinks cl1 where cl1.cl_from = page_id
and cl1.cl_to = "Latvijas_ciemi")
page_id in (select tl.tl_from from templatelinks tl
where tl.tl_title in ("Upes_infokaste","Ezera_infokaste") and tl_namespace=10 and tl.tl_from_namespace=0))
AND gt_globe = 'earth' and gt_primary=1
AND page_namespace = 0
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